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Collins builds the world of the walking dead

Collins builds the world of the walking dead

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wet mud and superglue woes

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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wet mud and superglue woes
wet mud and superglue woes
wet mud and superglue woes

I know that Georgia in TWD is quite a dry area when the group visit the farm but I wanted a few different areas, field, green bit, dry brown bit and also churned up mud. Wherever there is tractors and plant there is the opportunity for it to churn up the ground.

in steps the Vallejo thick mud mix. I bought this for another project and didn’t really like the results so its kicked around ever since. I threw caution to the wind and slapped it on hoping for the best. I used an old fat paint brush to get a random texture. I did try to get tyre tracks in the must but it didn’t work out. after that I placed and superglued in the tractor completely forgetting about how moisture makes the glue mist/frost/bloom….

wet mud and superglue woes

continuing the gluing with abandon in the hope of finishing it before my son woke up I predrilled holes and dumped a blob of superglue in them before shoving in the corn stalks. there must have been moisture from unset/cured pva glue in the mixed herbs because this all bloomed too.

might fix it with a bit of brown paint unless I am happy to just accept it as is.

Im now gonna leave it for a while to fully dry and see how things are before adding in the final touches (dog and dead bodies)

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