Oh hasn't it been a while!!!
Back with a wee ‘ here’s what i’ve been doing’ post! Yeah I really do suck at being consistent – buuuuuuuuuut with a now…… (counts on fingers) 11 month old squigling in the house, things have been a touch………. FECKING NUTS!!!!
Still painting n loving the Moonstone (yeah yeah…… a modicum of credit to Gerry……. mumble mumble……. ) and even played in my first ever tourney (of any kind) at Adepticon in March! I didnt get tooooootally stomped and won one of my four matches. For the very most part the other players were absolute stars and a really lovely bunch of folk to meet and play with. It really a great game adn community that goes with – none of that WAACs shite or meta bollox etc etc. Just folk having the shits n giggle over a really fun ‘ whimsical’ game 🙂
Anyways……… few more denizens of Tauber finished now and again all big fellas. I do seem to be painting all the bigger models from the range and thats really why it takes me so damn long to finish one…… ahem…………. thats my excuse and its true 😛
Well that’s me all caught up for now, at least for the ones I’ve managed to finish!! Working on Liv the nordic gnome and the new alt sculpt of the goblin king at the mo so shall try n pop a few WiPs up when i get the chance 😀
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