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Project Blog by irishsteve Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 731

About the Project

So thanks to a rather tall n hairy fella showing his own Moonstone minis off on a recent weekender, Moonstone the game was put on my radar. Never really heard of it before and wasnt really looking for a new thing to get stuck into buuuuuuut when i saw the minis........ I was intrigued. Usually I dont really care much for the game but focus almost solely on the minis (minis over mechanics ALWAYS) but what wouldcha know, after watching a few playthroughs of the game...... Moonstone has both!! Awesome minis AND a really fun looking game! So I got the 2P starter set, the rulebook & one of the trolls and here. we. are. I'm setting up a seperate PLOG for Moonstone as I know I am going to be getting a lot more of the minis and actually playing the game as my wife - the amazing Seulgi, who usually has zero interest in TT games has actually shown a real interest in getting into the game (and as we all know will happen, solidly trouncing me at it!!)

This Project is Active

All hail the King, The King is DONE!!!

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9

This was a brute of a mini, an absolute brute!! Buuuuuuuut he’s done!!!

Not an easy model to paint: king, 3 pages and the throne. One of the trickiest hurdles though was in the casting – not the quality but in the choices the caster(s) made in how to cut the model for the mould. Simply put, this model should have been cast in more parts. Casting it in so few parts to save on mould real estate left several really tricky blind alley areas which were an absolute bastard to get in at to paint!! And there was a hell of a lot of details to this mini!!

But he’s done, finally, the last mini of 2023!!! This is the alt version of the Goblin King, a character I didnt think I’d ever paint as I (really) dont like the regular version of the king but this version is an absolute belter!!

All hail the King, The King is DONE!!!