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Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

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Fyrwin Assassin

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Fyrwin Assassin

For this model I wanted to challenge myself to just using three randomly selected paints plus black and white. Someone had done this in a project recently that was covered in the Unofficial Hobby Hangout.


I used a random colour generator online and then picked the paints I owned that most closely matched them. This gave me white scarabaddon blackpink horrordoombull brown and ogryn cammo to work with.

I started off by putting the three core colours on to my pallet in a triangle, and then mixing each colour in the mid point. This gave me an idea of the colours that would be available to me. I was surprised to see that two of the mixed colours were quite flesh-like.

Fyrwin Assassin

I then added the black and white.


For each area of the model I made a wash by mixing roughly 2:1 a colour with black and then diluting with water.


Highlights were made for each area using 1:1 white and the colour.

Fyrwin Assassin

Finally the black and white were mixed for a grey to be used in the metallic areas.


The challenge was really interesting. I’d never have picked these colours for this miniature. And I’ve never tried to mix my own washes or highlight colours before. I’d now be willing to try it more often in the future.

Fyrwin Assassin

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