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Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

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Krugash - Shadow Stalker

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Krugash - Shadow Stalker

This model would have suited another dark gritty paint job, but that’s what I did last time so I decided to go the exact opposite and paint the model waiting bright high-contrast jester clothing.


The skin was painted rakarth flesh, washed reikland fleshshade, then highlighted flayed one flesh followed by pallid wych flesh.


The red was painted mephiston red, washed corruburg crimson, then highlighted evil sunz scarlet.


The blue was painted macragge blue, washed drakkenhoff nightshade, then highlighted altdorf guard blue.


The yellow was painted averland sunset, washed casandora yellow, then highlighted flash gitz yellow.


The green was painted waaagh! flesh, washed biel-tan green, then highlighted warboss green.


The orange was painted jokaero ornage, washed fuegan orange, then highlighted wild rider red.


The purple was painted naggaroth night, washed druchii violet, then highlighted xereus purple.


The stone on the base was painted mechanicus standard grey and the base was covered in blackfire earth, then the both were washed with reikland fleshshade.

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