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Just a little something

Just a little something

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Boxing day. Kind of.

Tutoring 12
Skill 13
Idea 13
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Making progress on the boxes.

The plan is to have an area of 5 boxes by 5 boxes square.  This equates to a 4′ square table.  As all the boxes will be modular nothing is stopping me from using fewer boxes depending on space.  For example, our dining table will comfortably hold 4 boxes across and probably 6 boxes long.

I have magnetised all the boxes in the same positions to help them hold together should the table get nudged during play.

To do this I simply put two magnets on the right-hand corners of each box with one polarity facing out and two magnets in the left-hand corners with the opposite polarity facing out.

Each Foam box is framed in 3mm MDF and measures 200mm x 200mm x 93mm.

The reason for the 93mm height is that I am using 30mm thick XPS.  3 Pieces of XPS stacked on top of each other gives a height of 90mm leaving a 3mm difference for a cover to be put in place.  That way rooms can remain unexplored, and my kids will have to use their memory to work out a way out of the dungeon.   If I am feeling particularly mean I may put a few levers in the dungeon to rotate of shift tiles across.

Boxing day.   Kind of.
Boxing day.   Kind of.
Boxing day.   Kind of.

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