My non 40k project weekend
Recommendations: 9
About the Project
Greetings my fine friends in OTT land. Some people may or may not have noticed that I am not there this weekend...shock reason being firstly I don't do 40k so this weekend I have decided to do something different.
Related Game: Dungeons & Dragons
Related Company: Dark Sword Miniatures
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
The Build
The first step is the build this took a while as gluing an arm on is a bit difficult with a tiny tiny join at the elbow.
This weekend’s project is a small one
It is 1 figure and it is of an Elf and it is for one of the DnD group I play as DM for.
The character is called Asvor and she is an elven barbarian. After some discussion we thought this elf fighter was closest to the vision of the character.