Dug’s Dead Man’s Hand
Recommendations: 355
About the Project
The unboxing of Dead Man's Hand and some other videos online was enough to tempt me in. I received my starter box and began building. I think there is plenty of scope to play this game quite quickly as long as I can bodge some terrain together to play around. No hefty bestiary to get bogged down in. Here goes.
Related Game: Dead Man's Hand
Related Company: Great Escape Games
Related Genre: Western
This Project is Active
Ramshackle Barn
Renedra plastic terrain. I still have some ladders and pitch forks etc. to paint up for this kit, but the building and painting of the main structure is done.
I used mostly spray paint to get this done. Army Painter Leather Brown, Halford Red primer on the doors, Halfords Grey on the roof. Then I used some model mates Mud brown spray over mostlt the walls. It still didn’t look quite right so I dry brushed everything with wraithbone to bring out the tiles and boards and then dulled it all back down again with Contrast Paints. (Snakebite Leather on the doors, Watered down Wyldwood Brown on most of the boards, and some Creed Camo moss / water damage on the roof.) The windows are straight Wraithbone white and some Nulin Oil, orange and Leadbelcher were used on the rusty hinges.
Golden Button. Yay!
Community Spotlight: Oldhammer, MORE Tiny Elves & Dead Man’s Hand!
Got a lovely pat on the back for this project on the XLBS show last weekend. It made my Birthday weekend especially nice. The cactus sprue and the packaging red stone pillars got a special mention and Mad Dan McGillicuddy with his GW head got some love from the team.
Thanks for all the likes so far, but the project isn’t complete yet. There will be some female gunslingers added for fun options because due to a mix up… I have the Gunslingers 2 box. Lol.
Adding 10 women to my collection would seem a bit excessive, but I will add a couple as options for either side and probably kitbash most of the others into Sci-Fi cowgirls.
And at some point I will bodge together a battle report.
Cactus sprue

"Pretty Boy" Price - Desperados

Fleshtearer Red Contrast trousers with a Bugman’s Glow and red mix as a highlight. The mask is Steel Legion Drab and the shirt is Wraithbone.
Calamity Kelly - Desperados

Calamity Kelly, the bosses nephew, is about to drop that dynamite and go for his gun… This is no surprise to his fellow gang members because he is the Jonah to all their efforts. They’re just glad the dynamite isn’t lit this time. He whacked a bank teller with a saddlebag and nearly tipped all the cash on the floor. Who knows? Maybe they’ll get away this time.
Deputy with rifle.

Deputies with pistols

Terrain Idea.
Terrain idea. Some packing from an electric item. When I cut it away from the larger packing piece it left holes. Could have just accepted them as caves, but went for a layered card board effort to look like weathered wild west stone pillars. Sprayed red and zenithed with desert yellow and a dry brush of off white.
Deputy with repeater.
Sheriff Ulysses Summons-Lately
I liked the undershirt / long johns top that one of the torsos had. I gave him a badge in his hand to show that he’s under dressed and not had time to attach it to his chest.
I chose to set up the character for my Sheriff around the shirt. Ulysses has been awoken from his slumber to flash the badge and put down a ruckus. The older man has dragged up his trousers and thrust on his boots but heard a gun shot and left with no shirt or jacket. Maybe this time it’s serious.
The long johns I was thinking of were the salmon colour that have been seen in plenty of Westerns. I started with Fleshtearer Red Contrast then some Bugman Glow mix highlights and finally distressed with Bugman’s Glow, then Bugman’s Glow and Wraithbone mix to highlight. The Ultramarine Blue trousers and the Mephiston Red stripe perhaps nods to the old veteran’s stint in the army as a younger man.
"Mad Dan" Mcgillicuddy
Mad Dan is the Killer for the desperados. The skull is nice on the base. The plaid trousers was something they would have worn in the era. (The New York Irish Brigade had plaid trouse as their uniform in the civil war in the 1860s, just not the same as McGillicuddy is wearing). I seem to add plaid into every project, but I won’t probably add anymore, mainly to make Mad Dan standout.
Building the minis
The wild man model for my desperados, the “killer” with two pistols had a head swap from the bits box (it was a donation from a friends so not sure what it is from) with an ECW Warlord cavalry hat added.
My Marshall had a head swap (a GW imperial with the eye patch) with a Frostgrave Wizard sprue bottle in his holster (aka gun pouch).
One of the deputies had a head swap from the Frostgrave Soldiers sprue.
These head swaps left me able to pick all 11 unique heads on the sprue for the rest of the minis so I get to use them all. I managed to empty one entire sprue, leaving no items on it at all to give me one less sprue of clutter etc. And allowed me to try everything at least once and I think these minis had a bunch of character.
List Building
There seems to be a basic theme that you have a leader, a gang / faction specific more elite guy, a selection of regular statted guys and some low level levies (like in Saga for example).
So I chose to make desperados and lawmen from the 15 plastic minis on the sprues. The lists only required 7 minis to make a basic 21 points list.
Sherif (boss) – pistol
Marshall (faction specific) – pistol
Deputies – 1x rifle, 1x repeater, 1x shotgun, 2 x pistols
Boss – Pistol
Killer (faction specific) – w/ 2 pistols
Gang members – 1x repeater, 1x shotgun, 3 x pistols