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The Ballad of Bradicles

The Ballad of Bradicles

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Project Blog by blipvertus Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 1218

About the Project

Our local gaming group is play testing a campaign system for Clash of Spears. Bradicles is one of my starting characters and this is his story.

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What have you done?

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 5

“Brother, what have you done?”  The shock on Eeyoricles face was comical.  Well, at least Bradicles thought so.

Bradicles just beamed as he gestured with a flourish, “May I present Ares! King of Battle!  And this is his handler, Erastus.” The mahout gave a curt salute as he loaded up the beast’s feed trough.

“Are you mad?”

”Possibly.  But now I have an elephant.”

This one model is literally the reason I built this army. He’s the center piece and everyone else is there just to bask in his glory.

The figures are from Victrix. The transfers are from Little Big Man Studios. The mahout’s shield is from Aventine miniatures.

In game term, elephants have multiple options  primarily centered around whether they have a crew or not, what that crew is armed with and whether the crew has a Howdah (tower) to fight from. Mechanically, the crew is a separate unit consisting of two soldiers. As the Howdah is a bit small, I’m just putting in one figure in the tower and I’ll track casualties separately. And because I wanted to swap out figures based on what they’re armed with, I put them on their own bases.

Elephants have a number of special rules but essentially you just sort of aim them in the general direction of the enemy and hope you don’t get trampled. If they crash into an enemy unit, the enemy has a chance to dodge away but it’s harder the more armor they have. That’s one way to break up those damned armored formations!

Thundering Hooves

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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When I made the Xyston armed cavalry I still had six figures left over so I decided to make the remainder as Greek style heavy cavalry armed with javelins. With better armor, the same fight skill plus the bonus of having some missile fire, they should complement the Xyston cavalry or make a good alternative cavalry force.

The figures are by Victrix, the shield transfers are by Little Big Man Studios and the banner transfer is from Relic Miniatures. I chose an Epirotes banner so thematically they’d work with a Phyrric force but I deliberately gave everyone different shield designs and color schemes to represent a more ad hoc force so I can also use it with my generic Greek army.

After Action Report

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Oh, that was rough!

The first mistake was leaving my cavalry in charge range. I honestly didn’t think he’d charge, I thought he’d shoot and retire. None of my cavalry should have survived but enough did that at least I had something to threaten him with. The Hetairoi aren’t a scout unit and harrying through the backfield isn’t really their thing. But countering the Roman cavalry and secondarily securing the backfield became their de facto role.

The one group of Psiloi did well to take out the Roman cavalry but that’s more to luck and is tricky to pull off. Missile troops suffer a penalty when shooting at moving cavalry so reactive shooting is only hitting on 6+ most of the time.

The other group of Psiloi didn’t fare well. With so many Roman units with the Overlapping Shields rule, cracking that formation is tough. The slingers were also uncommonly ineffective. Usually the only unit to survive a battle, they got slaughtered to a man. I think they only got one or two kills.

The pikemen were a mixed bag. One unit survived intact but did little more than push one unit back. The other did weaken an enemy unit but got trounced in turn. In general they performed subpar in getting hits, have weak armor and lack the overlapping shields rule. And are more expensive than Hoplites. Really not sure what to do about them.

My veterans just whiffed. They should have wiped out that disrupted and fatigued Roman unit in one round. After two rounds of combat they managed to kill two of four soldiers then died to a lone soldier on horseback. Even with re-rolls.

At this point of the battle, turn 3 or maybe 4, I had lost 3 break points and the center objective giving me 4 total. Brett had lost 1 plus my cavalry in the backfield for a net 2 break points so we called it there and the Romans got a major victory.

Maybe glue?

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Bradicles saw the Romans exit the woods directly in front of him and form up. Some of their light troops lingered in the woods while the more disciplined troops dressed their lines and began to move forward. Off to his right, some of the Roman’s allies flitted through the woods.

“Pezhetairoi, wheel right! Psiloi, forward and engage those troops by the farmhouse.  Slingers, forward and stand ready. Hypaspists, stand fast, your time of glory is nigh!”

Bradicles watched as the troops moved like a well oiled machine. The Psiloi struck first but their javelins just glanced off the Roman’s shields. No matter, he only wanted to disrupt their lines, maybe make them more cautious. He turned to the slingers.

“These Romans seem overly fond of their noses. Perhaps we should rearrange them?” The slingers laughed and loaded their stones.

“My lord,” called out one of the slingers, “this is most fortuitous! I’ve engraved this bullet with ‘May you be blessed by Aphrodite’ “, as he held up the lead projectile.

Bradicles laughed, “For Aphrodite!”

”Aphrodite!” And with that, they loosed. Wave after wave of stones arced over the field and towards the Romans. A few staggered an unfortunate soldier but the Romans redressed their lines and came on.

More Roman units moved through the woods on the right but one unit on the plains had overextended itself. Bradicles ordered the Pezhetairoi to were left and engage. They came on and forced the Romans back, disrupting their formation but as they advanced, Roman units exited the woods and began to move forward.

Meanwhile, on the left, the Romans unloosed their pilums at the Psiloi. They then charged the Psiloi and forced them back. The light troops fought back and then retired losing half their numbers in the retreat.

The Samnites had cleared the woods and charged the Pezhetairoi with a mighty roar. Caught while exhausted and unaware, they made short work of them but the Samnites weren’t done. Into the slingers they came and performed a great slaughter before being exhausted, leaving some slingers to scamper away.

Bradicles tried to order the Psiloi back into the fight but they just looked at him blankly panting with fear and exhaustion.

“Hypaspists, this is your time! This is your opportunity! The pikes have disrupted their lines! Seize your glory! Forward!”

Forward indeed. Bypassing one Roman unit to go straight for the hard pressed center of the enemy line. Clash! went the shields into the enemy’s chest. Clash! went the spears into the enemy armor. Clash! went the swords on the enemy’s armor. But alas!, to no avail, for none of their weapons bit flesh. The Romans just fell back, and fell back again.

And then he came. Like Thanatos himself, astride a pale horse, he came.

And Bradicles wept. For it was beautiful.

Down came the Gladius, and down went the Hypaspists. Again and again until there were none left. But his red rage was not satiated. On to the slingers, the beloved slingers. So often the key to victory but now part of a gory tableau.

With only himself, his trumpeter and a few Psiloi ineffectively trying to flank one of the Roman units, there was but one thing Bradicles could do. He removed his helmet and handed it to Aias, then his shield and finally, he thrust his spear into the ground.

And he bowed.

The only intact unit left, a full strength unit of pikemen. The only intact unit left, a full strength unit of pikemen.

A Horse of Course - Day of Battle Pt 2

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Eeyoricles spurred the horse forward clearing the forest edge. He saw the Roman equites beginning to move, likely to throw a few javelins and retire. No matter, he’d return the favor and waved the Psiloi forward.

Uncertain if leaving the safety of the woods was wise, they moved forward realizing that the Hetairoi were likely the object of the equites wrath. A few ranging shots to little effect gave the equites no concern. They gathered speed and then at the last minute drew their swords and charged the Hetairoi. Caught flat footed the Hetairoi had little recourse other than to abandon their Xystons and draw swords themselves. Badly bloodied but still standing, they held but were much reduced.

The Psiloi continued to move, clearing the way for a possible charge by their own cavalry. As they did, they crossed the paths of the Equites and loosed more javelins, bringing them down!

“Now, Pezhetairoi, now is the time! Forward the pikes!,” and with that, the pikemen came on, leveling their pikes at the last moment. They pushed the Romans back, reformed again and and again. There were few casualties on either side but both sides were exhausted.

Eeyoricles saw that the Hetairoi had sorted themselves out and gotten reorganized. He ordered them to rampage in the enemy’s rear. He hoped it would be enough.

Meanwhile, on the other flank. The javelin men had moved forward, got off one shot to no effect then been essentially decimated by a subsequent pilium attack. Meanwhile the slingers further to the right weren’t doing much better. Meanwhile, on the other flank. The javelin men had moved forward, got off one shot to no effect then been essentially decimated by a subsequent pilium attack. Meanwhile the slingers further to the right weren’t doing much better.
The Romans begin a general advance. The pikes on the right move up and wheel left to take on the center Roman unit and weaken it but take casualties themselves. The Romans begin a general advance. The pikes on the right move up and wheel left to take on the center Roman unit and weaken it but take casualties themselves.
The Roman’s allies finished off the pikemen leaving the Hypaspists to face off against three Roman infantry units. They go for the smallest, weakest unit first. The Roman’s allies finished off the pikemen leaving the Hypaspists to face off against three Roman infantry units. They go for the smallest, weakest unit first.
The Hypaspists failed to finish off the Romans who managed to make almost all their combat saves, armor saves and grit saves. Now exhausted, the Roman leader charged in. The Hypaspists failed to finish off the Romans who managed to make almost all their combat saves, armor saves and grit saves. Now exhausted, the Roman leader charged in.
And the Roman commander promptly runs roughshod over the last of the veterans. And the Roman commander promptly runs roughshod over the last of the veterans.
Not content to kill the veterans, the Roman commander next rides down the few remaining slingers, killing them to the last man. Not content to kill the veterans, the Roman commander next rides down the few remaining slingers, killing them to the last man.
Bradicles surveyed his right flank which currently consists of himself, his musician and three javelin men on the extreme left. He concedes the battlefield with a bow to the Roman commander. Bradicles surveyed his right flank which currently consists of himself, his musician and three javelin men on the extreme left. He concedes the battlefield with a bow to the Roman commander.

A Horse of Course - Day of Battle Pt 1

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I played against Brett Buckstaff and his Romans. The Romans are exceptionally tough opponents but I did well against him last time so history might repeat itself. Or at least I’m hoping it will.

The Roman force. Some Cavalry with javelins, some allied troops and multiple heavy infantry with some light javelin troops. The Roman force. Some Cavalry with javelins, some allied troops and multiple heavy infantry with some light javelin troops.
Today’s mission is Force Projection. A central objective which grants a break point if you control it and getting within range of the enemy’s deployment zone also grants a break point. Here’s the layout of the armies after the deployment phase. Today’s mission is Force Projection. A central objective which grants a break point if you control it and getting within range of the enemy’s deployment zone also grants a break point. Here’s the layout of the armies after the deployment phase.
My deployment left to right. Pikemen, slingers, veteran Hoplites, javelin men, pikemen and in the forest on the far right, a unit of javelin throwers. Second rank are the two commanders and the cavalry My deployment left to right. Pikemen, slingers, veteran Hoplites, javelin men, pikemen and in the forest on the far right, a unit of javelin throwers. Second rank are the two commanders and the cavalry
After some initial opening moves I opened up my line to have the pikes secure my flank and then brought the slingers up to threaten the objective and then brought the veterans up as well. After some initial opening moves I opened up my line to have the pikes secure my flank and then brought the slingers up to threaten the objective and then brought the veterans up as well.
I brought one unit of javelin men around one side of the farmhouse and continued to move the other through the woods   I managed to get the pikemen exactly in the center with their left flank anchored by the woods and their right by the farmhouse. The cavalry started a wide flanking move and are in the far side of the woods. I brought one unit of javelin men around one side of the farmhouse and continued to move the other through the woods I managed to get the pikemen exactly in the center with their left flank anchored by the woods and their right by the farmhouse. The cavalry started a wide flanking move and are in the far side of the woods.
The Roman cavalry and heavy infantry round the corner of the farmhouse. I push out my javelin men and take a few shots at his cavalry. He ignored them. The Roman cavalry and heavy infantry round the corner of the farmhouse. I push out my javelin men and take a few shots at his cavalry. He ignored them.
Instead he rushed forward and instead of lobbing javelins at my cavalry, charged them, killing half the unit, then falling back. Their morale held but they still accumulated fatigue. Instead he rushed forward and instead of lobbing javelins at my cavalry, charged them, killing half the unit, then falling back. Their morale held but they still accumulated fatigue.
I continued to push the javelin men forward and concentrated on the enemy cavalry I continued to push the javelin men forward and concentrated on the enemy cavalry
The javelin men eventually shoot the Roman cavy off the board and the pikemen move up to engage the Roman infantry. A back and forth fight between the Pezhetairoi and the Roman infantry leads to mutual exhaustion but little else. The Hetairoi recover their fatigue and eventually move off unhindered for the enemy backfield. The javelin men eventually shoot the Roman cavy off the board and the pikemen move up to engage the Roman infantry. A back and forth fight between the Pezhetairoi and the Roman infantry leads to mutual exhaustion but little else. The Hetairoi recover their fatigue and eventually move off unhindered for the enemy backfield.

A Horse of Course- Intro

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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New campaign turn, new list. I’m not entirely convinced that pikemen are worth their points but they’re pretty iconic so I’ll be keeping some in the list. And since I made some veteran Hypaspists they’re going into the list as well. And I have that recently completed Pyrrus mounted figure so he’s being added too. I don’t yet have a mounted musician or bannerman so Eeyoricles rides this time. And I had the points so I gave him a javelin. I do like my Pezhetairoi with javelins but they’re expensive and I wanted more javelins in the list so I replaced them with psiloi, unarmored javelin men with the skirmish specialist rule.

Bradicles- Level 4 with full armor, large shield, thrusting spear, large shield, musician.

Eeyoricles – Level 4, full armor, shield, horse, javelins.

TimToo – Soothsayer

6 Veteran Hoplites

2 x 8 Pezhetairoi with pikes

2 x 6 Psiloi with javelins

Total points: 1000

10 Slingers

6 Hetairoi with Xystons

New turn, new list. Here’s my 1000 point list. New turn, new list. Here’s my 1000 point list.

A Horse of Course - Prelude

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Eeyoricles frowned at the horse. He looked to his brother.

“What is this?”

Bradicles smiled, “A horse of course!  What did you think it was?”

”I can see that, what do you want me to do with it?”

“Ride it.  Now get up there.”

Eeyoricles frowned at his brother. “Why don’t you ride him? The image will be fitting for your future monuments.”

Bradicles laughed, them smiled that insanely beautiful smile, “Perhaps something to consider. A nice bronze in the central square?  But today I’ll be afoot. Aias hasn’t learned to ride and manage the salpinx at the same time.”

“More likely riding disturbs the line of your pteruges.”

Bradicles laughed, “Perhaps, but mount up. And here, take this,” and with that, he deftly tossed a javelin to Eeyoricles.  “You’ll need it.  We are to meet the Romans today and they are well equipped with these as well and I would match their capabilities this day”.

Hyped for Hypaspists

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
1 Comment

I still had 12 Hypaspists left from the Victrix set so I built them up but with different helmets.

One of the original build on the left. I’ll use them as my veteran Hoplites. The one on the right is from the new build and will represent the regular Hoplites. If I need any raw allied Hoplites I’ll just use my existing Greek Hoplites. One of the original build on the left. I’ll use them as my veteran Hoplites. The one on the right is from the new build and will represent the regular Hoplites. If I need any raw allied Hoplites I’ll just use my existing Greek Hoplites.

Bring me my horse

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Pyrrhus model by Relic Miniatures.

General Thoughts on the last game

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The game was pretty much decided by turn 2 or 3. Alvaro and I lost a lot of break points in pretty rapid order. I was down to my two commanders and a unit of slingers. Alvaro was in better shape but not much.

Here’s the deal. The pikemen,  the armored javelin men and the cavalry all only have 5+ saves. The pikes and cavalry can form close order but do not get shield overlap meaning that the Greeks hoplites I faced are a tougher but to crack with their 4+ saves and – 1 to hit while in close order. And my guys are more expensive because of those pikes.

The pikes get to hit first in both attacks and counterattacks but your counterattacks are limited to half of the attacking unit’s models, so you’re better off in the attack.

The Xyston armed cavalry is great because your target gets a -1 armor save. But it’s  only an initiative 3 weapon. And the Hoplites also have initiative 3 weapons so now it’s a simultaneous strike if he’s in close order AND, if he is, the Xyston armed cavalry also suffer a -1 armor save because you’re literally impaling yourself on the enemy spears. So that 5+ becomes a 6+.

Marcos had a lot of shooting and he was going to shoot me off the board because I have no defense against his shooting because I either don’t have shields (the cavalry) or don’t have Shield Overlap, (the Pezhetairoi javelin and pike men). So my only hope was to engage in melee and take advantage of his troops poor melee and lack of armor.

I knew I’d lose those javelin Pezhetairoi, I do every game, but man, did I have terrible attack rolls and Marcos had amazing saves and grit rolls. My Hetairoi should’ve annihilated that unit of Hoplites but then my attacks just bounced off their shields like rubber balls. My luck tends to run either hot or cold and having no re-rolls when I normally had two was really hurting.  But all of this is luck.  What about strategy?

My left flank should probably have been just the slingers in the woods.  With the trees for cover and their skirmish specialist rule they could’ve been a tough nut for Marcos and his missile troops to dislodge.  Instead I should’ve gone in for wave attacks. Pezhetairoi with javelins in front followed by both pike units with the cavalry as the third wave.  I could have just ground him down the hard way as his units were smaller and I would have had four infantry units and one cavalry unit to take on his three infantry units.

Might’ve worked.

Or not.

For what it’s worth, I’m currently building 12 more Macedonian Hypaspists.  And an elephant.

So, elephants are interesting.  You always have to do a grit test to see if they activate, even with no fatigue.  And they don’t accumulate fatigue.  They only attack by rampaging and that’s a straight forward attack.  And the unit attacked gets a chance to move out of the way but the heavier their armor, the less likely they’ll succeed.  There’s a bunch of other rules but they are a really fun addition to an army.  Probably not worth the points but it’s an elephant!

And elephants are cool.  ?


Wrath of the Gods Pt 6

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Forward came the Hoplites. Slowly but surely creeping forward. “Now!” yelled Bradicles to the trumpeter. With that, the trumpeter blasted out some notes and slingers came forward, out of the woods and unto the plains, timing themselves perfectly to align on the exposed flanks of the Hoplites. They threw their stones and opened up the enemy formation.

“ Forward the pike!” and again, the trumpeter blew. The pikemen, a look of grim determination moved forward and then as one leveled their pikes. Forward they thrust but only to be thrust back themselves in disorder.

Charge! blew the trumpet and the cavalry moved forward, a slow walk at first. Then a trot, finally a cantor, each riders knee brushing against his companions knee in magnificent close order. Finally with the exacting precision down came the Xystons!

But no! Up came the spears of the Hoplites as the enemy braced for impact. A few Hoplites went down, their formation disordered but the cavalry, oh the cavalry! Down went horse and rider until only two stood.

The aftermath of three disastrous activations. The aftermath of three disastrous activations.
Last stand of the Macedonians. I was able to react and re-form the pikemen but they died soon after. The two surviving cavalry had no fatigue but died on the next activation. Last stand of the Macedonians. I was able to react and re-form the pikemen but they died soon after. The two surviving cavalry had no fatigue but died on the next activation.
The combined Carthaginian and Phyrric dead pile at the end of the game. The combined Carthaginian and Phyrric dead pile at the end of the game.

Eeyoricles was stunned to be alive. He took off his helmet and looked across the battlefield strewn with the dead of his own men. Only the slingers still lived. He saw his brother sit down on a blasted tree stump and take his own helmet off, then shrug off his cuirass. He then stretched out his perfectly formed legs and crossed them, then crossed his arms as well and bowed his head, as if in deep thought. After awhile he looked up and spoke.

“I think brother that we should re-consider the composition of this army.”  He looked at the enemy Hoplites still occupying the battlefield and then at the elephant that had long since departed. “Yes, I think some changes are in order.”  He paused, “ For truly, we have suffered the wrath of the gods this day.”

Wrath of the Gods Pt 5

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Meanwhile, on the right of the line, the Carthaginians and Romans engage in an epic seesaw battle for the control of the objective. Meanwhile, on the right of the line, the Carthaginians and Romans engage in an epic seesaw battle for the control of the objective.
Both the Carthaginian and Roman forces are ground down but the fight continues. Both the Carthaginian and Roman forces are ground down but the fight continues.
The Numidian cavalry rides forth! The Numidian cavalry rides forth!

Wrath of the Gods Pt 4

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Bradicles was frustrated. His slingers were dutifully launching their projectiles at the enemy Hoplites, and scoring hits too, but to little affect. They just reformed and moved forward. But they were moving forward. Perhaps an opportunity?

“Have your slingers advance once the enemy reaches the line between that bush and that rock formation. Keep to their left flank and once they pass, unleash with your slings.”  He turned to the cavalry leader, “You, stand by and charge on my command.”  The cavalry man looked at him warily but gave a curt nod.

The Greek Hoplites move forward towards a formation of Macedonia pikemenThe Greek Hoplites move forward towards a formation of Macedonia pikemen

Wrath of the Gods Pt 3

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Things are off to a good start. My Carthaginian allies heavy infantry move forward while my Hetairoi and the Carthaginian elephant wait for an exploitation opportunity. Things are off to a good start. My Carthaginian allies heavy infantry move forward while my Hetairoi and the Carthaginian elephant wait for an exploitation opportunity.
The Carthaginian heavy infantry move forward to contest an objective while shadowed by some javelin throwers. Just off screen are some Roman infantry reforming after exiting some woods. The Carthaginian heavy infantry move forward to contest an objective while shadowed by some javelin throwers. Just off screen are some Roman infantry reforming after exiting some woods.
Seeing an opportunity the mahout goads the elephant forward! Seeing an opportunity the mahout goads the elephant forward!
The elephant slams into the Romans! The elephant slams into the Romans!
The Romans try to scramble away in their heavy armor. Most make it but two are trampled to deathThe Romans try to scramble away in their heavy armor. Most make it but two are trampled to death
Meanwhile on the left, the Pezhetairoi advance in the wood line, pause briefly to launch some javelins then charge into the slingersMeanwhile on the left, the Pezhetairoi advance in the wood line, pause briefly to launch some javelins then charge into the slingers

Those woods are key thought Eeyoricles. Those missile troops will have cover and will embed themselves in their like ticks.

“ Forward the Pezhetairoi!,” he bellowed. “Take those woods from those goat lovers!” He watched as the men trotted forward confidently then loosed their javelins followed up by the unsheathing of swords and a charge into the enemy ranks. Slings, arrows and javelins poured out of the woods striking down some but on they rolled, charging into the enemy ranks, but to no avail. There were too many!

Eeyoricles ordered more men forward. Again the Pezhetairoi advance, again they loose their javelins, again they charge, only to be drowned in a sea of enemy bodies and their own blood.

The empty space to the right of my second unit entering the woods is where my first unit used to be. The empty space to the right of my second unit entering the woods is where my first unit used to be.

“Forward the pikes!”

Eeyoricles watched as the orderly ranks of pikemen advanced, shields held up against the javelins headed their way. Then watched as one, they dropped their pikes, unsheathed their swords and charged these peasants in the woods. Surely they wouldn’t be able to stand up to such experienced warriors?

These are the woods, with trees removed, showing where three of my units died in melee to a bunch of goat herders. These are the woods, with trees removed, showing where three of my units died in melee to a bunch of goat herders.

Wrath of the Gods Pt 2

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Having a priest in your list gives you a better chance of gaining a fate point and allows you to re-roll the die if things go sideways. In every game prior to this, TimToo pulled through and got me that extra fate point. This time I lost my one and ONLY fate point, even with the re-roll.

This does not bode well.

Starting position of Marcos army, Peltasts, Archers and Slingers make their way into the woods. Starting position of Marcos army, Peltasts, Archers and Slingers make their way into the woods.
To the right of the missile troops, three units of Hoplites. To the right of the missile troops, three units of Hoplites.
To the right of the Hoplite, Roman heavy infantry on the plains and skirmishers in the woods. To the right of the Hoplite, Roman heavy infantry on the plains and skirmishers in the woods.
Opposite the Romans on the extreme right, Numidian cavalry and javelin throwers. Opposite the Romans on the extreme right, Numidian cavalry and javelin throwers.
To the right of the javelin men are two units of Carthaginian heavy infantry and a war elephant. To the right of the javelin men are two units of Carthaginian heavy infantry and a war elephant.
To the right of the Carthaginians, my Hetairoi, pikemen and in the woods, a large unit of slingers. To the right of the Carthaginians, my Hetairoi, pikemen and in the woods, a large unit of slingers.
To the right of the slingers but in the same woods there was a small unit of Pezhetairoi with javelins. To the right of the slingers but in the same woods there was a small unit of Pezhetairoi with javelins.
The final two units to the right of the woods. A unit of Pezhetairoi with javelins and a unit of Pezhetairoi with pikes. In the background is Eeyoricles. The final two units to the right of the woods. A unit of Pezhetairoi with javelins and a unit of Pezhetairoi with pikes. In the background is Eeyoricles.

Wrath of the Gods Pt 1

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Eeyoricles shifted his shoulders, trying to get comfortable in his cuirass but having little success. He glanced over at the Hetairoi. Normally resplendent in their panoply, he saw their cloaks were dirty and torn. Their leader was on his knees looking up to the heavens, arms wide as if praying. Fairly normal before a battle, but not like this. Not with tears running down his face.

The horses themselves were in no better condition. They seemed skittish, and their riders had difficulty controlling them. Perhaps the smell of the elephants their Carthaginian allies had brought was setting them off.

“Damn you!  I’ll personally send you to Charon!  And without the coins!,” bellowed Bradicles as he kicked TimToo as he was fleeing the altar. Eeyoricles had never seen his brother so angry before.

Bradicles paused in his tirade long enough to turn to his brother. “That damn priest told the men the sacrifice was full of worms. Now everyone thinks they’re going to die.”

Eeyoricles watched the priest flee to the baggage train and felt a sense of relief. He reflected how odd to feel so relaxed about his impending death.

Starting position showing where the Phyrric force and the Carthaginian force meet. In front of the cavalry are a unit of pikemen. There’s a gap for the cavalry to shoot through directly to the opposing Carthaginian Hoplites. The elephant is part of Alvaro’s army who is my ally for this battle. Starting position showing where the Phyrric force and the Carthaginian force meet. In front of the cavalry are a unit of pikemen. There’s a gap for the cavalry to shoot through directly to the opposing Carthaginian Hoplites. The elephant is part of Alvaro’s army who is my ally for this battle.

This game is a 2 vs 2 with Alvaro Erize, one of the authors of the Clash of Spears rules, facing off against his own son, Marco.  Simeon Turner and I round out this clash.  I face off against Marco and his Greeks with my Phyrric force while Alvaro brings a Carthaginian force, with an elephant!, to face off against Simeon and his Romans

We used simplified deployment with each player putting down one unit at a time at an agreed distance from the centerline. Each side will take a turn and only activate one unit for each army but restricted attacks so enemy units could only be attacked once. Players on the same side of course conferred but basically we fought the opponent in front of us.

This was my first time seeing an elegy in action so I was really excited to see how they worked. Also, the Erize brothers had laid out a really beautiful table so things were looking up!

Or at least they were at the beginning.

More pokey sticks

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
1 Comment

Added a third unit of pikemen. Now I need to decide what to add next

Figures from Warlord Games. Transfers from Little Big Man Studios. Figures from Warlord Games. Transfers from Little Big Man Studios.

Objective Markers Done

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments

I finished up the objective markers. The pigs are from Warlord Games farm animal set.

It’s Bacon!

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments
Still a WIP but here are the objectives from the last game. Still a WIP but here are the objectives from the last game.

This last game against Brett and his Romans swung back and forth multiple times. As it was, the game ended on Turn five with Brett having slightly more models killed with three break points and myself with just two and a bit. That last attack on the Slingers was a near run thing.

Overall the army performed as I expected. The Hetairoi cavalry is a glass hammer. They’re good for one charge and then just die. The Roman cavalry has heavier armor, and javelins and is a real threat. But the Xystons my cavalry use can, if they can pull it off, give a -2 to armor saves.

The pike formations are a bit odd. Less armor than Hoplites, no shield overlap, they’re just more likely to be disrupted by skirmish units. I decided I had to be more aggressive with them and close the gap quickly enough to actually be able to use those initiative 4 weapons before they died to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

I’ve had multiple players comment that they really worry about my big unit of slingers. I don’t get a lot of hits but I do get some and the bonuses of some fatigue. The fact that in multiple games they’ve survived in melee combat just boggles my mind. They might be due an upgrade!

Or maybe they just get some bacon.

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