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Here comes the Norsemen! Viking Project

Here comes the Norsemen! Viking Project

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Project Blog by royalpain621

Recommendations: 30

About the Project

This is going to be a hybrid historical/ fantasy Viking force that will be flexible for just about any and all ruleset but first and foremost is gone be made with the Feudal Patrol ruleset in mind.

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Entry 3: Feudal Patrol

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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It’s been a while as painting continues with the Vikings. As they are being painted; let’s talk about Feudal Patrol.
The following video explains it a bit but this was when I was doing my Feudal Japanese play through that involved samurai and ashigaru.

The gist of it; is that the game is split into several levels; elements, war bands, battle groups and the army. Each has their own leaders. An element is a unit of 6 and one of them is a leader. A war band leader commands up to 4 elements and he can swap his activation dice with anyone under this command as long as that number has not came up. The same goes the further up we go; a battle group has up to 4 war bands and an army has 4 battle groups. In theory, I can field 64 elements for a total of 384 miniatures; not including leaders. Maybe by next week, I can show you the first 54 Vikings fully finished; bows stringed and decals on the shields applied and clear coated.

Entry 2: The Saga of Planning.

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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To research, I looked up dyes and materials of viking clothing and I must say; there is potential to have a realistically colorful force. There is more to them that grays and browns.
May the following images serve you well.

After looking up dyes, I quickly made a painting guide and begun painting. But as I slowly began painting the first two dozen (24), my research continued as well as looking up what else I can buy to fill out my Vikings. That is a long wish list so I won’t bother with that but enjoy these charts.

So as of now, Bondi Archers 1-2 and Bondi 1-2 have been started. I can’t wait to get my printer back up and running, print these out, lay out my Vikings so you all can see just how this works.

In Feudal Patrol, the smallest group is an element and the maximum allowed per element is 6. Up to 4 elements but a minimum of 2 creates a War band. 2-4 War bands equals a Battlegroup. 2-4 Battlegroups equals an army. So for now, there is enough elements to create war bands and enough war bands to create a Battlegroup. I will probably have extra leaders so I can split the war bands down to size to spread them out more as there is a command radius in the game.
Element Leaders whose bases will be marked by a bronze base edge have a command radius of 12″. War band Leaders have a command radius of 24″, Battle Group Leaders have a 36″ radius and Army Leaders have a 48″ radius. Kill the Jarl, you pin the whole force which in Feudal Patrol is potentially quite lethal. I’ll talk more about the game in Part 3.

Entry 1: The Beginning Saga: A Boring One At That.

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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How did this began? Well; I stumbled upon it by luck of the draw. Literally. HMGS Fall-In 2022 saw us return to the Lancaster Host and Resort, nowadays the Wyndham Host in Lancaster, PA. This place saw my first time attending as a game master 8 years ago, next month will be 9. Back to topic; I bought a sandwich for a lot of money. I had money left over and spent it on tickets for a raffle. Out of the 4 things I put tickets into, I won 3! The Warlord Games Viking starter and the SAGA 1E rulebook combo was one of them.
I am in the autistic spectrum and I was so overwhelmed. I was more than embarrassed that I won all three in a 2 minute span; in front of dozens of people and beaten out two of my club mates.
They managed to calm me down and said I could plan a club game. This was back in early November. It is now the end of December and I built 134 Vikings and painting has started. I really have not plotted out my force at first but only after I started looking. Here is the force in their plastic and primer glory until I can paint them.
Mixed in are a decent number of RDG (Or is it RGD?) Centaurs and Fauns that may cross paths with the Vikings when I expand to include more Berserkers, Shield Maidens and more commanders. I’ll explain more of the force structure in part 2.

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