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Dungeon Journey

Dungeon Journey

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Project Blog by bn42

Recommendations: 53

About the Project

After sitting on the goodies from the kickstarter. Life and/or other projects and games got in the way. It's time for me to paint up my Dungeon Saga stuff to play......soon

This Project is Active

More adventuring.

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 2
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Here we see the heroes meeting up for the first time as they progress into the depths of the dungeon.Here we see the heroes meeting up for the first time as they progress into the depths of the dungeon.
An action shot of the skeleton archers hoping to pick off Rordin the Dwarf and Orlaf the Barbarian as they progress down the corridor.An action shot of the skeleton archers hoping to pick off Rordin the Dwarf and Orlaf the Barbarian as they progress down the corridor.
Rordin takes the role of tank very seriously....I may have enjoyed using the zombies Rordin takes the role of tank very seriously....I may have enjoyed using the zombies "mob rule" a bit much. Until Orlaf ruined it all for everyone.

It has been a total blast playing these first few games. The rules are straightforward however, complex strategy is required to complete the mission. I’ve been playing as the Overlord and there is a huge amount of strategy for me to sink my teeth into also. A major plus point on having someone control the enemies means that there is less formula to the actions the enemy takes on account of having to make a limited number of choices each turn. The overlord cards really do throw a random element at the hero players as there are a good amount of things that they can do.


Anyway….I’m off to paint skeletons….

Got wood...

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 1
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Here are my doors. Keeping to my Here are my doors. Keeping to my "simple" ethos I stuck with base coat of an appropriate wood colour, silver for metalwork, grey for stone. A quick wash of Army Painter strong tone later and a dry brush of white for the stonework. The doors are ready for their protective varnish and ready to adorn any self respecting dungeon.

So I decided that with the chance of getting some more games in at the club this week, I thought that its all very well painting the characters but if there is plastic looking dungeon furniture it loses some immersion…..

Now, it’s probably not the end of the world since the doors and such are in a nice looking brown plastic (some other items seem to be PVC). Nevertheless I wanted to paint them anyway. So in order to not stifle my creative juices (easy tiger) I decided to do them in small batches.

Skeleton Archers

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 1
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Skeleton Archers Ready to pew pew some heroes to death.Skeleton Archers Ready to pew pew some heroes to death.

Weird Spectral Wraith dudes

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 1
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Nice quick paint job on these guys....God bless drybrushing.Nice quick paint job on these guys....God bless drybrushing.

First games

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 5

In spite of hoping to only play with painted figures, the lure of adventure was great and the first few games of Dungeon Saga were gotten underway.

Began with the Quick start intro adventures and then a stab at the first mission proper. In a word this game is “Brutal”….

Afterwards we separately had our own opinions on the game and how it went but enjoyed it nonetheless.

TOP TIP:- The adventurers need to play rather aggressively to accomplish the mission goals.

Definitely going to carry on adventuring…..and getting the models painted up.

First games
First games

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 7
1 Comment
Undead dwarves get spooky. Kept to my self promise to keep the painting simple. Using a tiny amount of grey mixed into a colour de-saturates it nicely for a Undead dwarves get spooky. Kept to my self promise to keep the painting simple. Using a tiny amount of grey mixed into a colour de-saturates it nicely for a "undead" feel.

A beginning...

Tutoring 0
Skill 12
Idea 3

A good while ago I started to put a bit of paint on the starting four heroes. Recently I decided to finish them with a view to play the actual game (I know, crazy right).

Rubbish picture. I hope to do better as I progress. My first four heroes.Rubbish picture. I hope to do better as I progress. My first four heroes.

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