Free League’s The One Ring RPG Available To Pre-Order!

December 6, 2021 by brennon

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Free League Publishing's successfully Kickstarted new edition of The One Ring Roleplaying Game is now available to pre-order in physical form BUT you can also get your hands on the game digitally right now! It's time for a new adventure in Middle-earth!

The One Ring Core Rulebook FULL - Free League Publishing

The One Ring Core Rulebook // Free League Publishing

This new edition comes with tweaked and updated rules for playing in one of the greatest Fantasy worlds ever created. You'll find rules for creating your characters, how to battle the servants of Mordor and much more.

The One Ring Core Rulebook Preview - Free League Publishing

The One Ring Core Rulebook Preview // Free League Publishing

Whilst there is plenty of focus on the clashes between your heroes and the likes of bandits, cave-trolls, barrow-wights and orcs, The One Ring concerns itself just as much with exploration and social interaction. There are specific sections given over to setting out on a journey and travelling Middle-earth as well as what to do when you meet new people at your destination!

You'll also find information on introducing Patrons for your band of adventurers, rules for making Nameless Things that dwell in the dark beneath the world and even a full Landmark adventure. So, you can get started, even as a new Loremaster.

It helps that the book is presented absolutely beautifully. The text is clear and easy to read and it is accompanied by stunning artwork representing the different Cultures of Middle-earth and beyond.

The One Ring Starter Set

Talking of getting started in the game, there is also a brand new Starter Set which comes packed with everything that you'd need to dive into Middle-earth with The One Ring.

The One Ring Starter Set - Free League Publishing

The One Ring Starter Set // Free League Publishing

The One Ring Starter Set breaks down into a set of Rules, a book containing information about The Shire, a full thirty-one-page Adventure, eight pre-generated characters for you to pick from, two massive maps showing The Shire and Eriador at large, thirty Wargear Cards which are handy for referencing plus six double-sided Journey Role and Combat Stance Cards which are equally handy.

The One Ring Starter Set Contents - Free League Publishing

The One Ring Starter Set Contents // Free League Publishing

You will also find two d12 Feat Dice and six d6 Success Dice which you'll use for all of the actions you do in the game. Continuing with a trend set by their Tales From The Loop, Alien and Forbidden Lands roleplaying games, this is an absolutely stunning Starter Set.

Not only is this set great for getting people started with The One Ring but it provides enough information for newcomers to then expand their adventures beyond the story told within the set. The adventure should span a fair few sessions, to begin with, but there is then enough there for folks to keep exploring The Shire and Eriador at large for a long while.

Loremaster's Screen & Rivendell Compendium

The final set that is available for you to pick up is the Loremaster's Screen & Rivendell Compendium. This gives you a handy screen to hide behind as the Loremaster of course but also more information on the Last Homely House.

Loremasters Screen & Rivendell Compendium - Free League Publishing

Loremasters Screen & Rivendell Compendium // Free League Publishing

Again, beautifully presented and a rather good option for those wanting to dive in and tell stories beyond the bounds of The Shire in Eriador and beyond.

Rivendell Compendium - Free League Publishing

Rivendell Compendium // Free League Publishing

This set comes with additional rules and adventure ideas for playing around Rivendell, lore and background on Elrond and the other mighty Elves that serve him and more. For example, you'll find rules for making and playing as High Elf player heroes in your games if you so desire.

The One Ring is a solid option for those wanting to roleplay in Middle-earth. It is a quick and easy system to get your head around with plenty for Tolkien fans to enjoy when it comes to getting across the spirit of this world. It is very much about intrigue, exploration, interaction and storytelling rather than simply being a loot gathering exercise.

I am so ready to give this a go with my friends and I can't wait to see the physical release in the early portion of next year.

Are you going to be picking this roleplaying game up?

"It is very much about intrigue, exploration, interaction and storytelling rather than simply being a loot gathering exercise..."

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