One Page Rules Release Warfleets: FTL

September 25, 2020 by avernos

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One Page Rules have just released their latest ruleset into the wild and if you fancy a crack an intergalactic fleet battles then they have you covered. So pull up a pew and Gaetano will tell you all about Warfleets: FTL.

Warfleets: FTL // One Page Rules

When I was first approached by Austin Peasley back in 2014 about the making of a spaceship battles game, I could’ve never imagined that we’d be here 6 years later releasing a full spaceship game of our own.

The journey has been long, with many iterations of the game, and even some moments of true despair, but we’re really happy that this game is now available for download, and can’t wait to see player’s reactions to it!

Hopefully, Your Reaction Will Be Better Than This!

For those of you that are hearing about Warfleets: FTL for the first time, this is our take on a fast and furious spaceship battles game, which offers tons of fleet customization and exciting space battles.

Players take on the roles of commanders of a fully personalized fleet, which is made up of ships, heroes and upgrades from a common set of assets, as well as special assets from one of 6 interstellar factions.

Each faction comes with its own selection of ships, heroes and upgrades, and there is also a wide selection of legendary fleets, giving players the chance to step into the shoes of legendary FTL admirals.

As always, the core rules and faction book are completely free, and they offer countless hours of explosive spaceship battles… but what if you want more?

If you support us on Patreon, you can get access to the Full Rulebook, which adds a ton of advanced rules that allow you to further customize your games, with extra missions, deployment styles, events, and much more.

The Full Rulebook also has rules that allow you to re-use widgets from other games, such as blast markers, order dice, ordnance tokens, command dials, and many more.

Here a full breakdown of what you get in the Full Rulebook:

  • Terrain Placement Rules
  • Multiple Deployment Styles
  • Extra Missions
  • Boarding Actions
  • Random Events
  • Battlefield Phenomena
  • Terrain & Objective Effects
  • Fog of War Rules
  • Catastrophic Damage Rules
  • Order Dice Rules
  • Shields & Defense Tokens Rules
  • Scanner Ranges Rules
  • Rules for Planetary Control Games
  • Rules for Multiplayer Games
  • Rules for Kitchen Table Games

If you don’t have any spaceship models, you can also pick up your very own 2D and 3D models on One Page Rules Patreon, where they’re releasing a new fleet every month. So far they've released the 2D Empire Fleet and the 3D Empire Fleet, and next month they’ll also be releasing a set of 2D space terrain with lots of asteroids fields, destroyed ships, space nebulas and more, which you can use to pretty up your table when playing both with 2D and 3D models.

2D Empire Fleet

3D Empire Fleet

So there you have it some exciting news from One Page Rules if you're after a fleet battle game then this could be the one for you and as always the core rules are free so why not download some ships and get to slugging it out between the stars.

insert pew pew sounds here

"So there you have it some exciting news from One Page Rules if you're after a fleet battle game then this could be the one for you and as always the core rules are free so why not download some ships and get to slugging it out between the stars."

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