Relics Invokes Cthulhu with their Latest Faction

March 23, 2012 by brennon

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As you may have noticed, the site has taken a little bit of a turn towards the dark side. Cthulhu has infiltrated everything and we are revelling in the horror he is causing. On top of that it looks like Cthulhu has also had his hand in the future of Relics! Check out these pieces of concept art for the newest Relics faction from Tor Gaming, the C'thu...

C'thu Humanoid

First up is this C'thu Humanoid. As you can see they have the familiar look and feel of the horror god, and I already love the different weapon options. He certainly looks like someone you wouldn't want to meet on a dark night...

C'thu Mosquito

And if that Humanoid wasn't bad enough, check out this C'thu Mosquito! A deadly stinger, and creepy tentacles adding to the flavour of these beasties mean you would never want to be on the business end of that.

Will you be pledging yourself to the C'thu?

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