The Army Painter RuneWars Hobby Weekend Tickets Now Available To All

February 1, 2017 by lloyd

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The Army Painter Hobby Weekend Tickets

Tickets for the Hobby Weekend at BoW HQ are now open to all, running from 31st March until 2nd April. The event will be run in conjunction with The Army Painter and Fantasy Flight Games as we build and paint RuneWars armies as well as learning to play the game!

Grab Your Ticket - Click Here

The Army Painter Hobby Weekend Tickets

Your ticket will include...

  • Accommodation (Friday/Saturday Nights)
  • Meals (across the weekend)
  • Full Copy of RuneWars 2 Player Starter Set from Fantasy Flight Games!
  • £80 Worth of Army Painter Goodies

If you're interested and want to find out more about where we are you can check out our Visitors Pack. Extra nights accommodation can be arranged with us as you'll see over on our webstore.

What's Happening At The Event?

The weekend is dedicated to hobby and painting with some gaming on the side. We're going to be building and painting the RuneWars armies, dividing into two camps (Humans/Daqan Vs Undead/Waiqar).

Beasts of War Hobby Weekend Runewars Armies

Beasts of War Hobby Weekend Runewars Armies

Beasts of War Hobby Weekend Runewars Armies

Beasts of War Hobby Weekend Runewars Armies

The Army Painter guys will be on hand all weekend for helpful hints and tips on basing and painting, following their trademark method which enables you to get an army ready to go in no time at all.

This will be an excuse to get in that hobby time you've been missing, play with new armies and miniatures, meet new friends and learn lots of interesting techniques from those in the know and your fellow Hobby Weekenders.

Beasts of War Hobby Weekend Army Painter Products Examples

Beasts of War Hobby Weekend Army Painter Products Examples

Beasts of War Hobby Weekend Army Painter Products Examples

Beasts of War Hobby Weekend Army Painter Products Examples

All of this will culminate on the Sunday with a massive battle between the two armies where we put into practice what we've learned from the first two days. Sounds epic right!?

We can't wait for you to come along and join in. This is going to be something a little different from regular Boot Camps and should be great for those who want to scratch that hobby itch!

Come and join us!

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