Needy Cat Games Host Second Set Of Game Design Courses

August 20, 2019 by brennon

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Needy Cat Games' Sophie Williams and James M. Hewitt are going to be hosting a second set of Game Design Courses throughout the tail end of this year giving you an insight into the Basics Of Game Design!

Introduction To Game Design #1

Hewitt and Williams have been involved in lots of games over the years including Hellboy: The Board Game, Devil May Cry: The Bloody Palace, Newbury & Hobbes: The Curse of Menamhotep and more.

The course proved so popular earlier in the year that they have started it up again to offer people the chance to learn more about the game design process. Here's how the course will break down...

Course 1: Starting Your Game (12th September 2019)

  • Things that can get in the way, and how to overcome them. 
  • The tried-and-tested Needy Cat game design process
  • Where to find inspiration and how to research effectively
  • Creating a “Test Build” of your game
  • Tips for awesome prototyping

Course 2: Refining Your Game (21st October 2019)

  • The different stages of rules writing (and what not to worry about at each of them!) 
  • How to write a “full draft”, or rules manuscript. 
  • The different stages of playtesting
  • Developing your playtesting skills
  • How to establish and grow a productive playtesting group

Course 3: Finishing Your Game (9th November 2019)

  • Preparing a manuscript for layout
  • Working with freelance artists, editors and graphic designers
  • Understanding manufacturing costs and considerations
  • Sell to a publisher or self-publish?
  • Self-publishing: Kickstarter fundamentals
  • Self-publishing: methods of distribution
  • Selling to publishers: creating effective sell sheets

Each of the courses is entirely self-contained so you can come to one of them, two or all three if you like and still walk away having learned something new. If you're just getting started with your dream then you might want to go to the first one but if you've already got prototypes and such sorted out, maybe head to the courses in late October and early November.

Introduction To Game Design #2

The courses run 11am to 5pm and are hosted up in Nottingham, costing £95 and you will be fed and watered plus get to go out for a nice informal debrief at the pub afterwards!

If this interests you, you can head on over to their website HERE and book your place on the course.

Will you be going to this?

"...they have started it up again to offer people the chance to learn more about the game design process"

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Supported by (Turn Off)

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