Needy Cat Games Talk Scrapbot Smashing Project BASH

August 29, 2019 by brennon

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Needy Cat Games has been giving us all a sneaky look at a new game they've been tinkering with, Project BASH. Do you like the idea of scrapyard robot combat?

Project BASH - Needy Cat Games

Full games of Project BASH take around forty-five minutes and are created for two players to go tread to rollerball against each other in a combat arena. Your aim is very simple, take out one of the opposing robots!

Games start with a scrap sale where you compete to try and pick up all sorts of junk to use when building your robots. Gameplay then moves onto an arena which is randomly generated. By playing control cards from your hand you'll move and fight around the arena with your robots trying to outwit your foes.

Project BASH (Gameplay) - Needy Cat Games

Whilst the aim of the game is to bring down your opponent's robots you're also trying to pick up as much scrap as possible from your enemy so that you can use it during the refit step where you tweak your robots for another clash.

The game seems really fun and a quick and easy clash on the tabletop. If you're interested in the game there is a Print & Play version of Project BASH available for you to download. You can snap it up, give it a download and try out the game for yourself with your friends.

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"If you're interested in the game there is a Print & Play version of Project BASH available for you to download..."

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