Needy Cat Games’ Robot Fight Club Goes On The Road

February 7, 2020 by brennon

Supported by (Turn Off)

Needy Cat Games are going to be taking their new project, Robot Fight Club, on the road soon so as many people as possible can play it before it arrives on Kickstarter. The UK Tour is kicking off this weekend.

Robot Fight Club Tour - Needy Cat Games

The game has you controlling a robot and pitting them against your opponents, programing in moves, picking up scrap to help tinker with your toys and developing your strategies between bouts. Currently, the plan is to visit these venues...

  • The Dice Cup, Nottingham – 8th February – 5 – 8pm
  • Eclectic Games, Reading – 14th February – 4 – 8pm
  • Eclectic Games, Reading – 15th February – 10am – 2pm
  • 7th City Collectables, Sandiacre - 20th February - 4 - 8pm
  • Bean Gaming, Leicester – 21st February – 4 – 8pm
  • Patriot Games, Sheffield - 29th February - 10am - 2pm
  • Random Encounter, York – 1st March – 12 – 4pm

So, as you can see they are going to be hopping around the country over the next few weeks in order to get the game into as many people's hands as possible. All this playtesting gives folks the chance to try out the game before backing and maybe even provide a bit of feedback to Needy Cat too.

Robot Fight Club - Needy Cat Games

Here is a bit of background that the team has put together to give you a flavour of what Robot Fight Club is all about...

"When Lyeville Cybernautics Academy was shut down, no one was too surprised. The institution’s research budget had been outstripping its funding for years, with its founders pouring a fortune into keeping it alive in a society that had started turning its back on remote-piloted robots.

In its heyday, the Academy had been a haven for tech-obsessed kids from far and wide, and its after-hours Robot Club had been a boon to locals who wanted to make use of its advanced facilities.

Almost three decades after the doors closed, a group of teenagers decided to explore the old Academy building. They found it surprisingly intact, and saw the potential for something amazing. They began to hold regular meetups, spending their evenings fixing up robots and planning a whole new era of Robot Club. Only this time, without teachers or Academy guidelines, they decided to make things a little more action-packed!

So come and join the club. Pick your parts, customise your robots and fight to the first deactivation. Fight for thrills, fight for glory, but most of all, fight for fun – because robot fighting is awesome!"

The game seems like it could be a lot of fun and I am looking forward to learning more about it through gameplay videos and the like. It pays to keep an eye on their Facebook where the team talk more about the game as well!

Are you tempted to pop in and check out the game at one of these venues?

"Are you tempted to pop in and check out the game at one of these venues?"

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Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

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