Knock Blocks Off In Plaid Hat’s Super Punch Fighter

January 15, 2019 by brennon

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A new whacky game has made its way onto the roster from Plaid Hat Games. Super Punch Fighter looks to emulate crazy multiplayer video gaming on the tabletop.

Super Punch Fighter - Plaid Hat Games

In this game you'll pick a fighter and their deck, looking to smash your opponents off the side of the stage to grab yourselves points. If you manage to fulfil achievements set by the game at the same time then you'll unlock more points for your chosen fighter too.

Cards from your fighter's deck feature 'buttons' and when you play them you add a token to the card. You can press as many 'buttons' as you like but you can only remove four thumbs from your cards at the end of a turn with those that still feature thumbs going to the discard pile. So, you have to choose your moves wisely!

As this is looking to bring the video game to life, there are of course combos you can string together. If you're able to play with an element of cunning strategy you'll be able to link lots of cool moves together and keep your deck going!

Included within the game you'll also find a one-to-two player cooperative game mode called Minion Rush which pits you against waves of enemies as they're threatening to overrun the stage.

This sounds like it could be a lot of fun!

" have to choose your moves wisely!"

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