Get Ready For Star Wars: Imperial Assault At Worlds Today

May 5, 2017 by redben

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After yesterday’s double-header, Star Wars: Imperial Assault has Friday to itself. The stream is scheduled to come online at 14.00 CDT (20.00 BST) and run till 20.30 CDT (02.30 BST). We should see all of the top cut and perhaps even the end of the Swiss rounds also.


Star Wars: Imperial Assault is a 28mm miniatures board game from Fantasy Flight Games set during the original trilogy. The game has two modes: a one-against-many campaign mode, sort of a dungeon-crawl in space, and a head-to-head skirmish mode.


It’s the latter which will be featured today. Players select a 40pt force from either the Rebels, Imperials, or Scum & Villainy factions. Each round is played on a set map based on the board tiles from the game, and one of the two missions for that map is chosen.

The missions each have ways in which VPs can be scored, and you also earn the points cost of any units you destroy as VPs. The game is won once a player scores forty VPs.


Daniel Taylor ran the table last time out with an Imperials troopers list, but the release of the Jabba’s Realm expansion has since shaken up the meta with some powerful Scum lists.

All entrants who have made it this far will be leaving with an alternate art Grand Inquisitor stat card and a set crate tokens.


The top thirty-two with get a unique set of marbled dice, the sixteen who make it into the cut will get, you guessed it, a medal, the top eight get a custom mat for their stat cards, the top four an uncut sheet of Grand Inquisitors, and the winner takes home the trophy, a full-sized Jabba-themed playmat, an expenses paid trip to the 2018 worlds to defend their title, and their chance to design a card for the game.

Will you be watching?

"The game has two modes: a one-against-many campaign mode, sort of a dungeon-crawl in space, and a head-to-head skirmish mode..."

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