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A Midnight Heist – Wolsung Battle Report Triad VS Ven Rier

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Welcome to the world of Wolsung once again as we get ready for another awesome Battle Report in this Steampunk world by Micro Art Studios.

A Midnight Heist - Wolsung Battle Report Triad VS Ven Rier

It's a beautiful night in the city of Lyoness and all through the streets the people are heading to bed. But, in one corner of the Warehouse District an unfortunate Lab Assistant has been left in one of the cities Golem Foundries.

This poor soul is in for the worst night of his life as the Triad Of The Lotus Dragon, led by Justin and the Ven Rier Agents, led by Lance, have set their sights on stealing some secret Inventors Club technical documents.

Will the shadow Ven Reir take the day or will the Triad gain the information they need?

Blogging At This Event:

dignity Mystic Triad Master! Entries by this blogger
lancorz Shadowy Ven Reir Agent! Entries by this blogger
dignity Mystic Triad Master! Entries by this blogger

Welcome To The Game - A Midnight Heist!

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We're planning out a bit of a heist for this particular Battle Report set within the world of Wolsung.

Join us as we lay out the objectives of this Steampunk adventure!

lancorz Shadowy Ven Reir Agent! Entries by this blogger

Meet The Gang - The Ven Rier Agents

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Find out more about the Ven Rier agents that are going to be joining the fighting in an effort to run away with those plans.

Do you play Ven Rier in your games of Wolsung?

dignity Mystic Triad Master! Entries by this blogger

Meet The Gang - Triad Of Lotus Dragon

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We're embracing some mysticism this time with the Triad of Lotus Dragon getting mixed up in the underworld dealings within Wolsung.

Justin is going to be taking you through his choices...

The forces Are Ready Let's Play

The forces Are Ready Let's PlayNo Comments
dignity Mystic Triad Master! Entries by this blogger

Turn One - Deployments & First Activations

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We get stuck into the first turn of the game and explore our deployment choices too giving you an idea of the tactics for the rest of the game.

Would you have set up differently?

dignity Mystic Triad Master! Entries by this blogger

Final Activations - The Lab Assistant Takes His First Shot?

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The poor Lab Assistant who has got stuck here in the Warehouse District is going to get his chance to react to everything that's going on!

Will he be able to fend for himself?

dignity Mystic Triad Master! Entries by this blogger

Turn Two - Phoenix Gets Into Combat Range

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We're getting stuck into some close combat as we move into Turn Two and see Phoenix readying for some up close and personal damage dealing.

Pheonix Charges

Pheonix ChargesNo Comments
lancorz Shadowy Ven Reir Agent! Entries by this blogger

An Unfortunate Tactical Choice For The Ven Rier

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When you're trying to steal plans from a Warehouse in the middle of the night sometimes things go wrong...

...let's see what happened when Lance made an unfortunate tactical choice!

dignity Mystic Triad Master! Entries by this blogger

Turn Three - The Triad Push To Finish The Mission

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The Triad are looking to make sure this mission is wrapped up as we head into the middle of Turn Three.

Are there any tactical moves you would have done differently at this point?

dignity Mystic Triad Master! Entries by this blogger

Turn Three Ends & Turn Four Begins - Everyone Runs For The Foundry!

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Everyone is making a mad dash as we look to the end of Turn Three and the beginning of Turn Four.

Are the factions going to make it and turn the tides of favour?

dignity Mystic Triad Master! Entries by this blogger

Turn Five - Battle In The Foundry With Flying Blades Of Death

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It's a bit of a hectic one as we close in on the battle in the foundry and face plenty of flaying blades of death!

How do you think it's going to turn out for the factions at this point?

The Ven Rier Get Ambushed

The Ven Rier Get AmbushedNo Comments
dignity Mystic Triad Master! Entries by this blogger

End Of Turn Five - Mad Dash To The Finish Line

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So that's it, we're coming to the end. It's time to make a mad dash and try and make it to the finish line.

We hope you've enjoyed this game and remember to comment below with your own tactical thoughts for the guys below.

lancorz Shadowy Ven Reir Agent! Entries by this blogger

Final Thoughts - Tactical Analysis

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Justin and Lance sit down after the battle to talk about the kind of tactical decisions they made throughout the game.

What do you think they could have done differently?

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Cult of Games Member

Justin or Lance I would love to play with you Wolsung in november on bootcamp!


@radegast6 I need some practice.


Well played both of you


Nice report and a fun scenario well played by both sides. My only gripe would be that I would much rather watch a single 45 minute video than 12 short ones. I like to watch while I work / paint (as I am sure do many others) and its really hard work to keep clicking forward / back to see the next part. IMO the live blog works fine for things like army builds or long series such as the Laketown build, but not so well for battle reports. I understand there will be a little more editing work to… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

but you have option to play all thats what I do when I paint .


Not seen that option. Maybe I am missing something.


I think a couple of games with john and a bit of time with the rulebook will help, it takes awhile to lay the technical foundation . it will be easier to concentrate on your tactics when you know your options a little better . still early days
build some lists for the other factions on paper ,it will help you become more familiar with what options they have available . then build some lists with counters to the specific threats and scenarios.


Guys, great report – I love wolsung and bought loads having seen it on BoW – one thing you forgot though, when defending in melee u get +2 to reflex if I recall correctly, or you did in first ed. 😉

Cult of Games Member

Nice battlereport. I second @lunchbox in his opinion that a single video of 45 minutes to an hour is better than all the short clips. I also, like @king, have almost all the minis of Wolsung, and after Spiel Essen I probably have all


Nice Battle Report and Scenario! Looks like you played 2nd Ed. cards Just some observations that could have changed the game a bit. Golems get +1 Action when spawning from Workshop. The Golems could reroll 1 dice within 6 of the Icefeldgenerator…but not sure if that was ever the case. At Lance…remember Wormwood can move the it is more usefull…and buff other models! And the big one as last…Golems have fire immunity….so I have not found anything in the rules how that works with the Undead fire vulnerability…so that would be an importent one to solve…if you do…let me… Read more »


@lancorz Just to jumpstart your final thoughts…use woormwood to buff your Heros/Golems…use his ability to move icefield Generator…use Ursula to get Cards and heal…use Elisabeth´s once a game ability early…and then buff/move Golems. A “glory of un-live” buffed Golem in range of icefield with Elisabeths program 4 an 1 buffs that starts at the Workshop is a killer with a 12″ Charge range…and a steam and smoke buffed Elisabeth is even more of a Monster herself than that Golem 😉 Not an easy faction for sure…and more so to learn the game…lots of Card Timing and synergies to get them… Read more »


@lancorz For all who like to know…I asked the developers how to handle the Necrogolem and got this answer: “Immunity takes precedence over Vulnerability as it makes the attack miss altogether so there’s no Damage to be doubled.”


Neat, thanks @Soulsorcerer

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