Leaked Concept Sketches for Relics
June 6, 2011 by beerogre
Now here's something interesting... Tor Gaming... the driving force behind the game Relics have leaked these cracking concept sketches of their upcoming additions to the Relics range.
If you haven't seen Relics, you can download the playtest rules or sign up to be one of the demo team by clicking the link below...
I also hear their looking for talented artists and writers to help develop the brand, so why not pop on over to the site and see how you can help.
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Not keen. Too silly looking. Not my cup of tea.
Why has @willy2fly been given a thumbs down for that comment? That makes no sense what so ever. He’s only posting his opinion.
This trolling really makes no sense to me.
@torgaming I hear ya, I use to get frustrated with the trolling for anus replies myself. Then I found out that there is a surplus of useless bastards online. Who live in there parents basements and have never been laid. I even heard some of them never been in a good old nasty fist fight either. So the only pleasure these impotent virgin nerd vixens get in life, is trying to blow up peoples posts and comments. Also I bet those are the same people that want to have Mark Wells (CEO of GW) baby, no matter the price. They… Read more »
@dawnpatrolchapter that’s what I like to see, a good grounded view of the world. 🙂
Good stuff old chap. I am just disappointed when I see the thumbs down crap on a post that just doesn’t deserve it, whether it’s about one of my products, Warmahordes, Infinity or even GW products!! There’s just no need for it,
A thumbs down to the thumbs down, that’s what I say!
Good on you for defending peoples right to dislike your products (I mean that genuinely btw, I’m not being sarcastic). It shows a maturity that sadly many people seem to lack. Personally I’d rather not have fans of my products who act that immaturely towards those who dont like it.
Check out their Orcnar! 🙂
I like the silly…its silly but in a good way
I look forward to seeing these figs in the flesh so to speak. Some figures im not keen on but love the vodoo doll AWI vibe
They look fun, and they’re certainly unique!
Is it just me or is everyone “leaking” their stuff to yall, im alittle suspicious mates
I think BoW have a secret team of ninjas armed with drills
Big Gaming Show just took place in UK, so im not surprised pics are doing the rounds 😉
ohh i see what you mean, Andy or Justin are pressing the wrong buttons lol
Yeah… when I think about it… it’s more an exclusive than a leak.
Oh… these terms are so confusing!!! 🙁
Culprit who has shedloads more karma than me too!!!!! >:(
Dude relax its called progress “Here choke down a fist full of Mini’s, it will help you adjust to the new reality”.
Anyway I want to see BoW show case other game companies – The hobby is big enough now to support this kind of action 🙂
Its what we need in my opinion
Anyway I like the ideas shown in photos hope to see more…
The only downside for me is that I haven’t started collecting yet. 🙁
Tor are getting way ahead of me lol
Love these concepts. Good to see the design process in action too
Better start saving up for a starter set or two 😀
It aint my cup of tea – but I definitly appreciate their originality and imagination. I really hope it genuinely does well for them! The more original stuff the better if you ask me!
I’m loving the look of the minatures and the game so far. I’m very interested in seeing how the game develops and particularly, the end result.
Hey @chadamusprime, you can help with the game development, the rules are in a open alpha stage! Wouldn’t you love to help make a game what you want??
Download the rules, play it (no need for our figures to do that, just proxy them) and send us your feedback.
You can get the rules from here: http://www.torgaming.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,490.0.html
I do like the marksman.
I think its brave to go a completely different aesthetic direction, there are more sci fi troopers, orcs elves and dwarves than you can buy in a lifetime already, interesting new shapes to paint is only a good thing.
I think painters will love this stuff…will gamers as well??? Hope so as it looks fun…in fact im tempted to swap my Malifaux budget to Relics instead. Yes I do have a budget for gaming its called 300% of my income
@trebormills If you do, you can get involved in helping us get the game developed. The rules that are out now are the open alpha and still got some way to go. At least another three factions need developing and the existing ones will need expanding beyond the initial 12 profiles so plenty of work still to do.
That goes for anyone else too. Get involved, you never know what we may do to say thank you!!
Dwarves of Mid-Nor Deamon Puppets?
very inspiring… :p
Gosh Darn, I think I’m gonna have to get me some relics.
You may not have heard the shot that killed you, but you know that off in the distance the Marksman has a smile on its stitched face.
I really like the artwork for the marksman.
I love the Britanen minis. Im seriously going to have to fight the urge of getting some next month. Maybe if there are none in the range yet some busby wearing scots guard styles with kilts and the redcoats, accompanied by bagpipers?
wait and see…
any chance at all of a sneaky leak please?[/whisper]
We’ll be giving BoW more exclusives over the coming weeks and months. The Highlanders will be one of those no doubt.
I should think the next exclusives will be a Vaettir and a Orcnar though….
All I can say is…
la la la la , la la
la la la la , la la
la la la la ,
la la la
la la la
What with all the “leaks” and tatters I was hoping to make some soup! lol
We have Highlanders coming, have you had a look through the Britanan force list to see what is coming?
The bagpipes could have been fashioned from the cloth that was once the piper’s mate!
Assuming the Orcnar didn’t rip him too much into shreds
If the Orcnar had got him, there wouldn’t be anything left to make the bagpipe out of….
thease are amazing i want them so bad im gona have no £oney left are well cart wait .and when will jhon be back to do a good un boxing darrell you know all about the rules but jhon is so mutch better at unboxings
Reminds me of Little Big Planet I really like them and will probably get a set of them when they release
Looks very cool, but I’m not sure they’re unique, as they remind me rather of Puppet Wars from Wyrd miniatures
It’s the other way around, actually, in terms of who did what first. But artificially living puppets are cool in any interpretation, be it the Mid-Nor creations chramb80 mentioned, puppetwars or these. Personally, I like the lace-wars/redcoats twist of Britanans.
Yeah, voodoo dolls in games have been around for ages. The Mid-Nor in Rackhams Conf game comes to mind before us, and no doubt they got the idea from somewhere.
We’re just taking ours in a different route and trying to add something new to them. The Georgian styling and centauric cavalry in the doll theme is what we went for.
Well, I placed my order. Got at least 1 of everything, I can’t wait TBH, but I told them that I would wait till the Vaettir Starter was released, which hopefully won’t be too long.
You definitely get a thumbs up for that!!! 🙂
This is the first time I have seen figure design like this and these have the most – fun – and character driven figures I have seen in a long time. I will definitely be looking at the rules and picking up some of these figures. Well done you talented people!