Norsgard Preview A Crimson Champion Variant

December 5, 2013 by brennon

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Norsgard have heard some of your calls and present you with a variant on the Crimson Champion for their fantasy game. See what you think of this alternative sculpt.

Crimson Champion Variant

As you can see the variant is a lot more dynamic and has also lost the armoured plate that fell between his legs before. This would make it a lot easier for him to swing his swords around and chop off heads.

Crimson Champion

Here is the original which has a more composed 'bring it on' stance and the armoured plate that so many folks were interested at seeing removed. I still love that these sculpts are so like the Orc characters from World of Warcraft and I would paint them as such I reckon!

Coming up soon from Norsgard are rules!

What do you think of the variant?

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