The Order of the Ram Joins the Battle for Norsgard

June 18, 2012 by brennon

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You can finally get your hands on the Order of the Ram Orcs from Norsgard Miniatures! Check the models out below in all their painted glory...

Norsgard Orc Templar

Once again it's great to see Norsgard do something different with Orcs. No barbarism and feral snarling here.

Norsgard Ysil

Both of these models will come with their unit cards with a collectors number on them to make it feel all that more special. Also, these current versions of the models will be cast in resin and limited to only 70! There will be metal versions in the future but if you want one of them now you better hop to it.

So will you be picking 1 of the 70 up?

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