The Best Wargamer Patreon? An Interview With One Page Rules

October 5, 2020 by avernos

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Today we're getting an in-depth look at One Page Rules and where they've come from, learning about their past and their awesome tabletop wargaming rules which literally fit on one page!

See More From One Page Rules Here

Gaetano from One Page Rules joins Gerry to discuss the inspirations behind their patreon and how they've managed to build up a very respectable repository of rules and miniatures. The miniatures themselves are all 3D Printable and work nicely for 28mm but they can be rescaled to whatever scale YOU prefer.

Easy To Play Wargame Rules

From Fantasy to grimdark Sci-Fi to fleet battles in space, they are dedicated to making the hobby more accessible and open for anyone with a love of miniatures to get their figures on the tabletop for a wargame or two with easy to play wargame rules.

What are some of your favourite models from One Page Rules?

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