MASSIVE Beowulf Free Trader Starship For Traveller In 28mm, 2nd Dynasty Take To The Stars!

October 24, 2022 by avernos

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The Free Trader Beowulf Starship  Kickstarter from 2nd Dynasty is about to go live! We get the rundown on this campaign as Ben returns to the Traveller universe with a massive Starship for you to print at home!


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Gerry sits down with Ben to discuss the previous licensed work within the Traveller universe and how the Beowulf blows that all away with a large Starship for you to play out your games within! and that's not all this Kickstarter campaign will also include 2D floor plans so you don't have to be on the cutting edge of 3D printing if you want to take this version to the stars and crew the Beowulf. Ben even takes us on a virtual guided tour through the ship and tells us about some of the difficulties of realising this iconic ship in all dimensions.

Have you taken a Beowulf to the stars in the Traveller RPG?

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