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@mkultra99: We shouldn’t be ashamed of our painted minis, it’s true, but nor should we be ashamed of our unpainted ones.  This is a hobby, not a source of societal judgement.  Shame shouldn’t come into it.  For the vast majority of people the minis are bought for playing games with.  And that’s it.  People shouldn’t be pressured into having to paint them any more than they should be shamed for not painting well enough.


Do minis look better painted?   Definitely.  Can painting minis be a satisfying process?  Of course.  But for some people it is simply not an enjoyable one, even when satisfaction with the paintjob  is removed from the equation and if you force people to do something they hate in the pursuit of meeting  a communities standards, then thats why people stop playing games and communities fall apart.


Less judgement, and more enjoyment is what is needed, and if Contrast paints can help that, then fair play to GW.

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