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Reply To: Rasta's Log of Sporadic Painting [Epic, AoS, WFB, DystWars and small buildings]

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So, I haven’t been painting in a long time. Real Life ™ got in the way and was kicking my ass for a long time. Things are calmer now, and with the lockdown in Portugal as well I got to painting again. In fact, I’ve painted more in the last month than in the whole year of 2019. So here is my progress for about a month!

I am, as you guys know, very unfocussed, so there’s plenty to show (I’ve painted 54 pieces so far this year)

I’m working on a small warcry warband made of Stormcast Eternals, that will then be ported over to AoS, so, my first Liberators:

stormcasts 1

Then I speed painted some Skaven Clanrats for WFB or probably Kings of War 3 – Just the back ranks of a unit, actually

skaven 1 frenteskaven 1 lado

And the whole unit looks like this

skaven regiment ladoskaven regiment

Then I changed scales and went down to 6mm to paint some Leven Miniatures houses

housing 4housing 1

These are for my WWII and Cold War 1985 projects.

Then I went down in scale to old Dystopian Wars Covenant of Antarctica and painted these:

covenant of antarctica

and brought my DW forces to this level:

full DW forces

And finally went back to 6mm – to Epic, my true wargaming love. First up I finished a previously started ork Evil Sunz warband by mechanizing it with very old Space Marine 2nd ed battlewagonz:

evil sunz warband

And finally, but certainly not least, the start of my Epic Horus Heresy Imperial Fists force, with a Tactical Detachment and Heavy support:

imperial fists 1

imperial fists 2

These are long OOP forumware models.

And that concludes hostilities for the day. I’m painting an assault detachment for these Imperial Fists next.

Cheers and stay safe, dudes and dudettes

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