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[unofficial weekender] silent weekend

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This topic contains 49 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  oriskany 4 years, 4 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    ### Start of shameless copy & paste ###

    Read all of this before you start as it will save any trouble later.

    First thing you must do is make your “pledge”. It can be anything gaming related, big or small, and you don’t even have to finish it. No, in here, happiness is the road. Have fun doing whatever it is, but it is not a race. Accompany your work with pictures or we might think you are do something sinister and just using us for cover.

    You are also presented with a few questions. It is to get the conversation started. Try and keep your answers ‘conversational’, no text speak, and certainly no “basically”. This is how we all get to know each other better. While you are here feel free to tell us a story, show a picture, joke, tales of love or woe, or just add your own little bit. This is the whole point…in here it is just us.

    If you have never taken part before we may bark and bite, but we also like a cuddle! It is all done in the best possible taste and it is character building. feel free to give as good as you get.

    A few other things to note: NO RELIGION & NO POLITICS! Glasgow pub rules are in effect. If you need to make a better point then it is fine, but don’t take the piss. And always keep it civil.

    Play plenty of music to go with your work. Loud and through proper speakers. Write us a playlist of things we might not have heard before.

    Now, after all of that there is only one ‘real’ rule in here and it cannot be broken: NO DICKS! (Exceptions may be made for little fighting men with little plastic/resin/metal wieners)

    And don’t forget the highlights of the weekend: The Weekender on Friday and XLBS on Sunday. And the little show that is the unofficial Hobby Hangout over at

    ### End of shameless copy & paste ###

    Questions of the week:

    • Did you have your regular “week of from work yet” (if you still work regularly) or is that still coming up for you?
    • When you have time of work (not counting these pandemic off times) do you get to get more things hobby related done or less?
    • Do we need or want an emergency substitute “drug” for this weeks Weekender and XLBS?

    Off you go, play nice with the other kids.


    Cult of Games Member

    My answers:

    • Just got back to work. *sigh*
    • most times I get less done, because when I’m off work I spend the time with the family. Strange thing I know 😉
    • I’d like something to be there… but I’m not sure if making a short notice video would make for a good replacement? Maybe an open voicechat in discord under a certain topic? Or a small live stream?

    Cult of Games Member
    • The past year my new job has been working from home so not much changed for me, worked throughout and continue to do so.
    • Busy house with 4 kids so often spending time with them, the nice thing is they are also into the hobby for the most part so we do hobby together.
    • Yep, we need backup plans for when there are no weekenders, maybe a good time for everyone to plug their twitch streams 😀

    Have a good weekend everyone



    Pledge this week is to start work on The Greatjon, though depending on what comes up he may be my last mini before school starts, we’ll have to see.


    Did you have your regular “week of from work yet” (if you still work regularly) or is that still coming up for you?

    Doesn’t really affect me, sadly. I’ve had a LOT of time off and it’s not the great to just sit around doing nothing.

    When you have time of work (not counting these pandemic off times) do you get to get more things hobby related done or less?

    I usually get more done, as will be seen by my hobby work dropping off with school looming on the horizon.

    Do we need or want an emergency substitute “drug” for this weeks Weekender and XLBS?

    We sort of make our own in whatever way we feel, I think, either through Discord or just this thread.


    Cult of Games Member

    This week I’m going to continue painting a couple of Black Seas brigs. I might prep some Royal Horse Artillery if the ships go well.


    1 (&2) My regular yearly week off is in September. I specifically target my birthday week to be time off for myself. I usually either crack on with some hobbying, or dive into some sprawling board games.

    Otherwise, time off from work is typically hobby poor, either because we are away somewhere (day trips or longer), or spending quality time with the family takes precedence. Annual leave from work is targeted to do something with it. That might change with the wee one starting school, as holiday timings will be dictated.

    3. Although the Weekender and XLBS will be missed, I usually fail to find the time to watch them at the weekend. I reckon I’ll feel the absence about Tuesday. Having said that, it has coincided with a particularly busy week for me, so perhaps I might not have the time for any substitute if there was one available.


    Cult of Games Member

    Arrgh … incoming package was delivered to a pickup point last week, but I can only get to it tomorrow.
    No info on what’s in it, but I hope to have something tomorrow 😀

    1) Did you have your regular “week of from work yet” (if you still work regularly) or is that still coming up for you?
    One more week of work and then it’s two weeks of sitting at home and trying to do some hobby.
    At least that is the plan. Not sure if I manage to get anything done if the current heat wave persists.

    2) When you have time of work (not counting these pandemic off times) do you get to get more things hobby related done or less?

    3) Do we need or want an emergency substitute “drug” for this weeks Weekender and XLBS?
    There’s the ‘unofficial hobby hangout’ on tuesday … maybe an extra weekender episode ? 😉
    I’ve got a few XLBS shows to watch, so I’m not bored yet ..

    I see a disturbing lack of tunes … needs fixing.

    And one more to fit the current weather :



    Cult of Games Member

    I cleaned my hobby space/home office/storage space.

    Would you look at that, there is a floor! XD After the “showing the 40k Ork pile of shame” last Tuesday the space got crammed quickly. Now everything is back in place. Still need to think of a storage solution for the Conquest terrain pieces….

    But now I’m stripping some Hero Quest Orks.



    After a couple of weekend of no real hobby time, my plan is to finish off the elves I have in the paint table. We’re also expecting good weather tomorrow so I’ve a bunch of priming I’d like to get done.

    Questions of the week:

    1. My usual week is in June to combine for E3 press conferences at ungodly hours due to time zones and my birthday. I’m not really working right now though so it’s been 7 month holiday at this point

    2. Usually less, I cram in a lot of seeing friends and family. Hobby time is built into my normal weekly schedule to make getting through the week a little easier!

    3. I’ve got a bunch of audio books and the last two weeks of pirate radio show to catch up on. I never say no to more miniatures content with fun people. I’ve really come to appreciate how much I miss a good hobby night where I can just listen to other people chatting nerd


    Pledge: Get some minis work of my own done and get commission pieces complete. I might need to up my game on presenting photos. I could earn a bit if what I show off was looked swanky instead of my crap phone camera work.

    Regular work week? I gave that up when I took on the admin position I’m in now. It actually is liberating in that respect.

    Witht the time off work I’m so-so about the amount of hobby I get done. I’ve been so far out in both directions of work or not work that I do what I can when I can as I feel like.

    Do I want a placebo hobby “fix” for te week? I thought for a sec and I think that whatever is going on might well need to allow for some downtime to staff. If an emergency has arisen then life just happened to have happened. We all are good to go I think and the site is still up to allow for people to interact. Imagine it like letting the kids take care of themselves for a while as the folks go out for an evening ….. @limburger @ninjilly @sundancer Quit swinging from the chandeliers! They’ll never trust us to take care of ourselves again… or atleast don’t try to wash the cat in the “whirlpool tub” (read toilet)

    In the meantime I am not quite agog over the new greenskins. I might actually hold off on the purchase of any more. They have the right “orkiness” about them and are less sports team equipped but the sculpts don’t quite get me going “Ooh!, must have now!”. Maybe the beginning team having so many gobs is what’s kicking it for me. I’ve never used ’em. Maybe the game is trying to focus on more point scoring and ‘narrative’ (?) and less about running up and punching your opponent in the face.


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer I’ll swing from the chandeliers when I want to  :p
    It is kind of weird to see GW make a new Bloodbowl game again.
    At best I was expecting them to just make a new production run, but new starter teams ?
    And those haloween themed undead ?
    Why can’t they update the bloody orks (and all the other non-spacemarine factions) in 40k instead ?

    oh … and speaking of 40k
    They finally fixed the pop-up that kept me from ‘enjoying’ the app.
    And I can not believe that this thing passed even basic UI testing.
    You’d think that the flockin’ core rules would be an integral part of the app, but instead they really do link to Google drive document … which is stupid as f*ck on a mobile device that isn’t an A4 sized tablet.
    And it is pretty stupid given even with a proper sized screen it lacks all the basic quality of life features that make electronic books ‘better’ than hardcopy.

    The app doesn’t even allow you basic access to troop profiles like the AoS app does.

    And because they want to sell you the subscription … they chose to make the ‘subscribe & unlock app’ buttons actual big buttons, but the ‘skip this nonsense give me the free stuff’ button is a hyperlink.
    ie : the thing is invisible …
    OTOH … given the fact that the app is basically useless that kind of makes a weird kind of sense.

    Did I mention that there currently is no way to unlock codexes ?
    Or that the army builder is  “coming soon(tm)” … (another sign the app was released before it was done)

    If it wasn’t for the copyright restrictions and the fact that it would be impossible to keep an unofficial app up-to-date I’d be making one myself. However given that I don’t quite grok the rules for listbuilding I can’t do that.
    (I wonder if the dev team responsible for the army builder is having similar issues … it would explain a lot)

    I mean seriously … post launch updates that basically turn a bunch of data into a semi-functioning app kind of prove that it didn’t work when it was launched. It might explain why they did not launch on the Apple App-store.


    Cult of Games Member

    Good Morning folks!

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    A Pledge –

    I have three minis left to paint for my Twisted crew – Mary Poppin, Ackroyd and Dorothy.

    I hope to get these painted up before next weekend although it is very warm in the hobby room at the moment and a bit uncomfortable painting in there for any long period of time.

    Music –

    Remember the 1998 Godzilla movie?

    What a fantastic inspired by album!

    Did you have your regular “week of from work yet” (if you still work regularly) or is that still coming up for you?

    I run my own place so am always sort of “working” But a trip to Cornwall for the week is on the cards once things calm down a bit.

    When you have time of work (not counting these pandemic off times) do you get to get more things hobby related done or less?

    I’ve done more hobby this year then ever before but I’ve missed the actual playing of games with friends.

    Do we need or want an emergency substitute “drug” for this weeks Weekender and XLBS?

    I’m probably going to listen to  a few history podcasts. You’re Dead to me is an especially good one. If I get especially desperate I may even spend some time with the other half.


    Cult of Games Member

    This week’s pledge is to paint another set of Kingdom Death survivors. Probably the raw hide set as they are next in the game progression. I finished the unarmoured survivors last night and you can see my project entry for them here:



    1. Did you have your regular “week of from work yet” (if you still work regularly) or is that still coming up for you? – I had three days off last week, and have a full week booked at the end of August.
    2. When you have time of work (not counting these pandemic off times) do you get to get more things hobby related done or less? – About the same, sometimes I might be able to squeeze a bit more in. Usually though I’m either away from home or fill all the extra time with DIY tasks.
    3. Do we need or want an emergency substitute “drug” for this weeks Weekender and XLBS? – It’s a shame the shows were cancelled but I’m sure I can survive until Tuesday’s Unofficial Hobby Hangout.




    Got some significant work on the Greatjon done. Need to highlight the armour, and then do some more fancy details (he is the Lord of Last Hearth, after all…



    Cult of Games Member

    It’s warm! Too warm! I’m sweating my pants of. If I try to paint, the paint is dry on the brush before reaching the mini… :S

    Happy SUNDAY… yes, the weekend is almost over.


    Cult of Games Member

    My pledge is to get more games in with my mate, we both have days off this week. I’m missing the Weekender and XLBS, I hope all is well. I’m not going to get much painting done, it’s forty degrees in my painting space.

    1.  I am just starting two weeks off now, I’m just trying to relax and get used the idea.

    2.  I usually get much more done, but as said above it is far too hot, roll on Winter.

    3. To replace my usual fix I listened to the Sitrep podcast, I’ve just got into Battlespace.  I was really interested to listen to the author interviewed.


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