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[unofficial weekender] silent weekend

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This topic contains 49 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  oriskany 3 years, 11 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    It’s been a whole week and I only just got logged in again – been super-busy (and will continue to be so for a few days at least) but it’s always reassuring to poke my nose in and see everyone still getting on with stuff.


    • Did you have your regular “week of from work yet” (if you still work regularly) or is that still coming up for you?

    I spent 15 years working from home. Then about 18 months ago, I took on a job that involved regular commuting (albeit three days a week, it still felt like a full weeks worth of “office work”). Since this whole lockdown thing started easing, I’ve been determined not to go back to “regular work”. I’ve no idea just yet how to go about it (actually, that’s a bit of a lie, I’ve an idea, I’m just not sure if it’s going to work or not!) but I’ve on interest in going back to a “regular” working pattern.

    • When you have time of work (not counting these pandemic off times) do you get to get more things hobby related done or less?

    I got *loads* more done in the last four months that I’ve done in the last four years (it’s partly why I’m determined not to get drawn into regular 9-5, mon-fri work any more). Really enjoyed joining in with online painting competitions (I won one too recently) making terrain and even the odd miniature diorama. THIS is what I should be getting out of bed for, not to make some goon a few quid 😉

    • Do we need or want an emergency substitute “drug” for this weeks Weekender and XLBS?

    Um. Dunno. I’m quite happy to ride this one out. Then again, did I mention I’ve also been very busy?


    Meanwhile – pledges: I spent some time with my wife making terrain. It was brilliant. And she enjoyed it too. I started a project blog. So this week’s pledge is to get a couple of buildings for my “cyber city” finished (modelled and painted, not just laser cut and assembled).

    Music? How about some jangly-guitar pop-punk? When I heard this song, I thought it was one of the saddest songs I’d heard in a long time. It’s still a great tune:


    Did I mention I won a painting competition?


    First prize is to have a custom miniature made of my choice (in a cyberpunk style).  It’s been a few days and I’ve got nothing. Anyone got any ideas?

    It’s good to be back 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Nice one…. make a Gerry Can Giant Cybersamurai 😉



    Finished up The Greatjon and got the project post up, too! No rushing-to-get-it-done-in-time-for-the-hangout-this-week for me!



    @limburger You’ll see exactly what happens when that happens. Just check out the movie The Babysitter on Netflix

    @thedace I look forward to seeing those models. Its always fun to see steampunk weirdness

    @danlee Keep up the good photos on that game. I’m sitting back and thinking that there’ll be a day when I get my parcel of goodies from the KS

    @sundancer Spend more time outside and it’ll be fine. I hear that Baumholder only gets about a few weeks of clear skies so enjoy what you have.

    @comet5 glad to see another face jump into the fray and throw their two cents worth in. Do give us a battle report or game update when you’re done with things. Hell set up a project and put pics in too.

    @blinky465 Sweet deal for the win. Keep at trying to make things work to stay at home. I’m thinking I might try and expand my painting service to other people in my area. I know that fiverr is getting swamped with people putting themselves out there and the glut of service might well overload the market. Meh, we all do what we do.

    @crazyredcoat Keep at it man. I thought initially that there should be some sort of gleaming porcelain edifice when I first read that name.

    I think that music is dealing with this lockdown pretty well with still creating videos

    I do not approve of the appearance of crap beer Singha.. but rubber duckies and barking cats are

    HOLY CRAP! Forget Baby Yoda.. WE’VE GOT Baby Justin!!!! @dignity So this is what you’ve been up to off camera


    This is your captain speaking … we’re experiencing a massive amount of normality at the moment and we must deploy obligatory weirdness. Please strap in and enjoy the ride



    @horati0nosebl0wer I’m going to pretend I never saw those abominations beneath the glorious Alestorm… 😛 When you put the Greatjon next to most of the other guys he is a towering edifice…just not a porcelain one…


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer  outside? Me? Under the bright evil daystar? Are you mad!? XD


    Sorry to jump in so soon after the last post. After commodorerob put up a notice about Steamforged Games putting a notice that GuildBall would be ended.

    I got a Butcher’s Guild set up to play around with that when I could. Reading through it makes sense as far as a business decision from The ‘Rona impact but I think what might be more important for discusion is the emotional reaction to that and as a mini hobbyist where the industry is headed.

    I caught myself, after reading the news, from buying any teams/figures frok my fear of missing out on any minis that I’d never get a chance to own. I told myself that games die off and that I wasn’t invested enough or have enough gaming capability to justify the purchase. It was a cost not worth the price with space taken up and I am doing well to paint what I have already (when I get through commission work).

    As I put out there in the initial thread of the announcement I was wondering if this was the first big sign that financial impact is getting “bigger” companies. We’ve seen smaller developers out there be smacked about and the Indie of the Week has probably been a godsend from OTT to shine light on people. I think we be should be ready to see contractions from other products like Monsterocalypse (just first thought of random game).

    Dammit, terminal normality got the thread.


    Cult of Games Member

    Normality? Not on my watch!

    We have spotted a Gerry in out tree:

    And the birds are bathing!


    Cult of Games Member

    I’d say it is the normal product life cycle that is slightly accellerated by Covid-19.
    Every year there dozens of games released.
    The vast majority don’t survive beyond the launch window.
    Only a select few manage to get into the top 3 of most played games on the planet.
    Everyone else has to find their own niche and pray it is big enough to stay afloat.

    Guild Ball is not dead.
    Yes, the official supply of minis and rule-updates is terminal.
    The community can survive and the game can live on.
    The lack of ‘official’ minis is fixable with the magic that is 3D printing.
    The real problem is attracting new players.
    And that is something the community should have been doing all along …

    The game had one of the best (if not the best) starter sets.
    Unfortunately the gameplay itself didn’t lend itself to making it newbie friendly.



    @sundance For a second I thought vögel was the German word for squirrel…which is a bit stupid because it’s one of the German words I know, for some reason… Nice find with Gerry, though, he’s an elusive bugger! 😛

    So I decided to do Tyrion Lannister next…but it’s too hot and humid to prime here right now (bad news for a week’s time over there in the Motherland, I guess…) so I might just pop up a ‘research’ post later this evening…though it won’t have too much in it, really.


    @limburger Yes, the rise and fall of games is natural. The waves on our industry have been a bit rough though.. I think that you’re right as far as GB in the sense that BB survived as long as it did as a fan favorite until GW revived it. Maybe this can be a new market for “fantasy football” sculpting done by indies.  I guess it might be something of a gamble as people aren’t able to get out and about to meet and utilize minis/spaces for games for a while.

    Oh.. and @sundancer … I found something relevant to your interests and past work that you did


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer  beat you to it, already seen that one…. such a shame his white was dried up


    Cult of Games Member

    Also: music!


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer part of the problem with Guildball is that every character is named and therefor known.
    Replacing them with 3rd party sculpts requires either SFG to change the license on that part of the game and I kind of doubt they’d do that.

    Unlike Bloodbowl where everyone is a generic player, with the exception of a few known famous characters.


    Cult of Games Member

    I started a new project where I collect YouTube channels on the topics of all things tiny fighting men. Please add you own suggestions in the comments 🙂

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