The Exotic & The Technological Clash In Freebooter’s Fate

March 13, 2017 by brennon

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Two new characters have made it onto the webstore for Freebooter's Fate as we take a trip into the jungle and then get a touch of the future with a marksman of some skill. First up we have Cauyacatl...

Cauyacatl #1

This particular lady is quite skilled when it comes to fighting with her spear, able to throw it as she launches herself into combat before getting stuck in with the sword.

Cauyacatl #2

Her rules are in the Big Trouble section of Tales Of Longfall #3 if you're interested in finding out more about her!

Take Aim

Following on from her we have Don Guillermo who has his rifle sights trained on his foe for a deadly headshot.

Guillermo #1

This fellow fights for the Imperial Armada and is looking for the greatest trophy kill on Longfall. Considering the range of brilliant fighters making their way to Freebooter's Fate that could easily be a human target rather than an animal!

Guillermo #2

His rules are also in the Big Trouble supplement for Freebooter's Fate so you can get both of these characters into the mix. Once again I have to tip my hat to the sculptors who work for Freebooter Miniatures as they've done a great job on all the little details which bring these folks to life.

The facial details, in particular, deserve proper attention as you can start to make out expressions.

What do you think of this pair?

"This particular lady is quite skilled when it comes to fighting with her spear, able to throw it as she launches herself into combat..."

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