Brand New Heavy Gear Video Game Due for Development

August 2, 2012 by beerogre

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If you just can't get enough of all things Heavy Gear, then you'll be excited to hear about the new collaboration between Dream Pod 9 and Stompy Bot Productions to license a new Heavy Gear video Game!

Stompy Bot Productions - Heavy Gear Video Game in the Works

Stompy Bot Productions - Heavy Gear Video Game in the Works

Here's some information from their joint press announcement:

Stompy Bot Productions, Inc. ( and Dream Pod 9, Inc. ( have announced the exclusive licensing of Dream Pod 9’s Heavy Gear® franchise for PC, mobile and console 3D gaming to Stompy Bot Productions.

The Heavy Gear® franchise has released dozens of sourcebooks detailing the settings, people, and machines of the Heavy Gear® universe. The first Heavy Gear® computer game, titled Heavy Gear®, saw light in 1997 and its sequel, Heavy Gear® II, was released in 1999. An animated series was also aired in 2001. The Heavy Gear® game line includes an innovative mix of RPG/wargame books, card games, miniatures and other products.

“We’re very excited to bring Heavy Gear® back to the current generation of gaming fans,” said James Taylor, President of Stompy Bot Productions. Robert Dubois, President of Dream Pod 9, said “Dream Pod 9 looks forward to working closely with Stompy Bot Productions in developing the next incarnation of Heavy Gear’s 3D video game. Stompy Bot has the drive and talent to bring the world of Heavy Gear® to life for all of our fans and a whole new generation of gamers.”

What look forward to seeing some of the cool things these guys can bring to our gaming screens from the deep history and spectacular imagery of Heavy Gear.

What do you guys think?

What would you like to see... MMORG? FPS? RTS?

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