Glasgow University Refighting Waterloo On A Massive Scale

June 12, 2019 by brennon

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Glasgow University is taking wargaming to a new scale with their The Great Game: Waterloo Replayed charity event which is taking place this weekend. 22,000 miniatures will hit the tabletop alongside wargamers, veterans and history enthusiasts as they see about refighting this immense battle which changed the face of Europe.

Glasgow University Battle #1

The map that you see here was laid out across one of the largest halls at Glasgow University and it only just fit into the space! The actual gaming table (192 square metres and made up of 12 sections, each 8 metres by 2 metres) which has been designed by Tiny Wargames Of London will then be hosted in the Kelvin Gallery on campus and play host to 120 participants who will be playing out this clash between Napoleon and Wellington.

Glasgow University Battle #2

As well as all of the miniatures the absolutely huge battlefield will also play host to a range of meticulously crafted buildings and other terrain elements to help simulate the battlefield that they fought on at Waterloo. The layout itself is also based on the 1830s detailed survey of the battlefield of Waterloo by William Siborne.

The game will be running on both Saturday and Sunday between 09.30 to 16.30 and there are still tickets available to view the battle being played out HERE. You can also join in with small participation skirmishes if you like too. There is then an additional ticketed event where you can learn about Waterloo Uncovered at The Hunterian Museum.

This sounds pretty impressive indeed!

"22,000 miniatures will hit the tabletop alongside wargamers, veterans and history enthusiasts..."

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