UK Games Expo 2019: Friday Live Blog

Decking Awesome Games Talk Dice Summoners - Comment To Win!
Come and delve in and find out what Decking Awesome Games have been working on with Dice Summoners.
Comment To Win – Dice Summoners
You’re able to dive in and come up with all sorts of different combinations as you play this one-to-two player game. Make sure to watch the video and comment down below on what you think about the game here and you could get a copy yourself!
Looks interesting.
Looks interesting. The dice element seems fun.
The artwork could have been better. But all in all looks like a fun game.
Worth a lets play?
I’m liking the combination of tactical card play and the chance from rolling dice. Looks fun!
oh go on then
dice for the dice jar, card for the card throne or something like that
This could be fun
sounds cool enough to give it a try
One of my favourite games of all time, believe it or not is quarriors. I love chucking dice and building armies. This looks like a complete evolution of that. I’m excited for this one!!
Can’t beat a dice game. X
looks like a fun game
very interesting mechanics, those dices look sweet
dice game are real bad games for me, i roll awefull
cards and dice!! yes please!
nice looking game
Seems like it could be a decent game to carry around to pass some time. I haven’t looked into it much but it does feel as though the game might be good with rules for solitary play.
Bundle the lads into the van and take them home to Coleraine for a lets play, then let them walk the rest of the way.
Dice Summoner sounds awesome.
Looks nice.
COuld be quite good.
This looks fun
I backed this last year and have played my edition a number of times, I can really recommend it.
an interesting looking game.
seems like this is the year of hybrid games, card/tactical, card/dice, etc. this looks fun to me.
Definitely an interesting game, dice and cards. Might break my Hearthstone addiction!