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A Demon Warrior Shudders Into Life From Marrow


If you're a fan of the Journey: Wrath Of Demons game from Marrow Production then you might want to check out the work going into the White Bone Demon Warrior for the game...

Marrow Production Shows Off Stunning Painted Journey Monsters


Marrow Production continues to breathe life into their fantastic trip through Asian mythology, with Journey: Wrath of Demons. Have a look at the beautifully painted demons from Massive Voodoo.

Zing Yau Makes A BIG Appearance For Marrow Production


Marrow Production has released another heavy hitter for Journey: Wrath of Demons, and his name is Zing Yau. With a face only a mother could love and just about the biggest mace you could imagine, this big guy is not to be messed with.

New Minis On The Way For Journey From Marrow Production


After a period of silence, Marrow Production is back with some more beautiful minis for Journey: Wrath of Demons. The Jiangshi Set is ready to go and Jing Yau is ready to be casted for Kickstarter backers.

Silver Horn & Golden Horn Now Available For Journey From Marrow Production


Marrow Production continues to deliver high quality, stunning miniatures for their fantastic game, Journey: Wrath of Demons. Their 2 newest models, Golden Horn and Silver Horn are now available from their web store.

Marrow Production Previews The Second Protector- Silver Horn


Marrow Production has announced the creation of the second protector, Silver horn. He is a formidable creature, that carries a vessel to house thousands of souls.

Marrow Shows Off A Stunning New Protector For Journey


The Heavens are sending two protectors to aid in the pilgrims' quest in Marrow Production's beautiful game, Journey: Wrath of Demons. Golden Horn is the first of the two on his way to protect the pilgrims.

Weekender: Do The Age Of Sigmar Judicators Hit The Mark?


We're talking about Age Of Sigmar and those new Judicators and don't forget to see if you were the winner of Journey: Wrath Of Demons

Weekender: DreadBall Season 5 & Gen Con Next Week!


We've got loads for you this weekend including a deeper look at DreadBall AND preparations for Gen Con 2015!

Marrow Productions’ Pilgrims Nearly Ready For Sale


Marrow Productions are getting ready for Journey to be out their in the big wide world and that means some of the miniature kits too. With that in mind they showed off a preview of their Pilgrim kits and the sprues inside them. Each of them is incredibly well detailed and looks superb...

Exploring Gameplay For Journey: Wrath of Demons – Comment To Win The Game!


Follow Dawn as she explores the game play for Marrow Production's, Journey Wrath of Demons! Cooperative and solo play are available for this beautiful crawler style board game based on Chinese lore.

Exploring & Unboxing The Contents Of Journey: Wrath Of Demons


The fine fellows at Marrow Production have sent us a copy of their long-awaited game, Journey: Wrath of Demons! Come with Dawn on a two part, exclusive journey and explore the beautiful contents of the box...

Marrow Productions Show Off The Monstrous Zing Yau For Journey


Marrow Productions have shown off an awesome looking master sculpt for Journey: Wrath of Demons. See what you make of the monstrous Zing Yau who looks like he'll be quite the handful!

Stunning Step By Step Demo Game Instructions Available For Journey!


Marrow has released a stunning, full color demo rule book to give gamers a feel for how Journey plays. The demo set is available for download right now to get you up to speed before your game arrives.

Marrow Production Offers Glimpse At WIP For Journey


Marrow Production is hard at work with additional terrain pieces to offset the processing delays they've experienced with their Kickstarter. Ray Wong is even working on another miniature!

A Journey Into the Box Of Journey: Wrath Of Demons


How about a closer look at the contents in a box of Marrow Production's Journey: Wrath of Demons? If you haven't heard of this game before, this look is sure to put it on your must have list!

Marrow Productions Gives Us A Sneak Peel At The Rules


Marrow Production's Journey: Wrath of Demons is getting closer to release. So far they have given us peaks at their miniatures, but now we get a sneak peek into the rulebook.

Making a Production of Marrow Production!


Mini's are quickly making their way through the production line for the soon to be shipped, Journey: Wrath of Demons. The quality won't fail to impress and the details in the pieces look absolutely stunning!

The Journey From Resin to Plastic is Amazing!


Marrow Production may have just pulled off the most impressive transition to plastic ever! They are previewing their new plastic miniatures for Journey: Wrath of Demons, hot of the production line and they are STUNNING!

Meet KooRogg, the Big Boss Bull Demon King for Journey


Marrow Production has done it again and are previewing their newest, awesome mini, KooRogg. KooRogg is the big boss Bull Demon King and he looks like a force to be reckoned with.

Marrow Production Shows Off New Painted Mini for Journey


Time for another "Journey" into awesome, with Marrow Production's newest painted mini, Boof Bullserker. The miniature is STUNNING, in all it's painted glory, and Marrow will be reopening it's Facebook store in September to take additional pre-orders.

Making A Miniature Into Art With Journey By Marrow Production


When paint meets minis for the game Journey: Wrath of Demons, the end result is nothing short of art. Marrow Productions shows another beautiful completed miniature.

Marrow Production Bring Saiyuki & Journey To Life


Check out this awesome looking set of miniatures and new rules for taking an old classic onto the tabletop. Saiyuki looks to be reborn!

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