Adeptus Titanicus Gets Its Most Towering Miniature Yet!

April 12, 2021 by brennon

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Adeptus Titanicus got a big update over the weekend with pre-orders from Games Workshop going live for their biggest model to date. The absolutely immense Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan is powering up and getting ready to lay waste to the battlefield.

Warmaster Titan With Plasma Destructors - Adeptus Titanicus

Warmaster Titan With Plasma Destructors // Adeptus Titanicus

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This is an absolutely huge miniature compared to others in the range and that's saying something. It is absolutely covered in weapons from its head all the way down to its knees. Yes, it has knee guns. The main weapons are the pair of arm-mounted Plasma Destructors but it also has other options for those looking to test things out.

For an idea of scale, here is one of the Warmaster Heavy Battle Titans alongside a poor little Knight. That thing is going to get stepped on.

Warmaster Titan With Plasma Destructors Scale - Adeptus Titanicus

Warmaster Titan With Plasma Destructors (Scale) // Adeptus Titanicus

You'll also get access to a bunch of options for personalising your Heavy Battle Titan. This means alternative faceplates for the head as well as shoulder and top plates. There is also a transfer sheet that gives you options for making Loyalist and Traitor Titan Legions.

Adeptus Titanicus & The Horus Heresy

In addition to the big new miniature, we also got a pair of hefty tomes too. The first is the Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy Rulebook.

The Horus Heresy Rulebook - Adeptus Titanicus

The Horus Heresy Rulebook // Adeptus Titanicus

Within this book, you'll find everything you need for playing games of Adeptus Titanicus during the era of The Horus Heresy. As well as detailed lore, you'll also find loads of missions to play, either as casual narrative games or full-on matched play affairs. This also means plenty of beautiful artwork too showing off the Titans in all their glory.

The second book looks at The Horus Heresy but from the viewpoint of the Loyalist Legios in particular.

Loyalist Legions - Adeptus Titanicus

Loyalist Legios // Adeptus Titanicus

There are rules, background and strategems for the loyalist Titan Legions and Knight Houses that fought during The Horus heresy. You'll also find options for the strange Ordo Sinister Psi-Titans which is pretty awesome! If you're looking for more detail on how to get the most out of your Loyalists in Adeptus Titanicus, then this would be the tome to snap up.

As you might have guessed, this probably means we're going to be getting a book all about the Heretics soon too!

Are you a fan of Adeptus Titanicus and will you be playing more of it when this big boi lands?

"Are you a fan of Adeptus Titanicus and will you be playing more of it when this big boi lands?"

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