CP Models Band Together Behind Gnomish Commander

June 29, 2017 by brennon

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CP Models Miniatures is now adding to their Fantasy range with the Gnome Command elements which come in two different flavours to add a bit of variety to your armies.

Gnome Command #1

The first set looks like it might be for a younger band of warriors. I really like the Musician model from this particular pick. The second set, shown below, appears to be older warriors who have seen a few battles in their time.

Gnome Command #2

This way you can start to add a bit of a narrative to your force and have the young bloods backed up by the old fogies! Mix in some Dwarves and you've got a full-on alliance.

What do you make of their Gnomes?

"Mix in some Dwarves and you've got a full-on alliance..."

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