Grab Classic 28mm Pig-Faced Orcs From Badger Games

January 30, 2024 by brennon

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Badger Games has recently released a new set of 28mm Pig-Faced Orcs from the team at Have A Nice Day Miniatures. If you're looking to throw some classic Fantasy dungeon-dwelling enemies into your games then these might tick the box.

Pig-Faced Orc Command - Badger Games

Pig-Faced Orc Command // Badger Games

There are many different miniatures across the sets for you to choose from. If you're looking to lead the way, you might want to run with this Command set, which features a Champion, Standard Bearer and Musician. I don't like the look of that evil, grinning drum! These "old school" miniatures seem like they could have been ripped right from the illustrations in old Monster Manuals.

If you're looking to build up a fun warband or two then you have three choices. You could go with the Pig-Faced Orcs armed with Two-Handed Weapons for example.

Pig-Faced Orcs With Two-Handed Weapons - Badger Games

Pig-Faced Orcs With Two-Handed Weapons // Badger Games

Or, you could run with a mix of Spears and ranged weapons like Bows & Crossbows. The core of your warband or indeed the basis for a D&D encounter should be sorted by this selection.

Pig-Faced Orcs With Spears - Badger Games

Pig-Faced Orcs With Spears // Badger Games

Pig-Faced Orcs With Bows - Badger Games

Pig-Faced Orcs With Bows // Badger Games

The painted miniatures here look great and distinctly retro which is great. It shows off the different details in the various miniatures, especially when it comes to those wearing lighter and heavier armour within the group. I think they would also look superb with a darker scheme as well, perhaps honing in on the "evil" nature of these creatures.

If you're looking for a boss to throw into your games then you've also got this set featuring a Cleric and Shaman.

Pig-Faced Orc Cleric & Shaman - Badger Games

Pig-Faced Orc Cleric & Shaman // Badger Games

Set these fellows up at the back of a newly-opened room and have them urging their fellow Pig-Faced Orcs into the heart of battle. The Cleric (right) feels like he would be great as a recurring villain who keeps coming back regardless of how often you kill him!

Could you be tempted by these Pig-Faced Orcs from Badger Games?

"The Cleric feels like he would be great as a recurring villain..."

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