The Destiny Sky Fortress Soars Into Dystopian Wars In March

February 20, 2024 by brennon

Warcradle Studios has another awesome range of Dystopian Wars miniatures for you to get stuck into in March. This time around, the Destiny Battlefleet Set is leading the way for the Union and some great additional sets are sneaking their way into the range too.

Destiny Battlefleet Set - Dystopian Wars

Destiny Battlefleet Set // Dystopian Wars

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The Destiny Sky Fortress is one of the ultimate engineering feats of the Union. It is going to be quite the presence as it powers through the skies, able to launch fighters wherever they are needed to support your naval contingent and other aerial elements. The idea is that the Union want to try and establish dominance over the skies and bring forth that element of Manifest Destiny for all under their wing.

Destiny Class Sky Fortress - Dystopian Wars

Destiny Class Sky Fortress // Dystopian Wars

The miniature itself is a pretty fabulous one which does look the part of a "sky fortress". As well as being able to launch fighters, it looks like the perfect craft for those seeking to establish a proper presence on the battlefield. Getting this in place and its many guns will make sure it can deal with quite a few problems.

As well as the Destiny Sky Fortress, there are also four Ticonderoga Assault Airship (may also be built as Constellation, Republic or Ranger Class) and eight Bogata Container Carryalls (may also be built for Fuel, Tank or Torpedo). You then get all of the SRS Tokens you could need to cover the board!

The second set for Dystopian Wars coming in March is the Merchant Convoy Squadrons.

Merchant Convoy Squadrons - Dystopian Wars

Merchant Convoy Squadrons // Dystopian Wars

This gives you a fun set of miniatures to use in your different scenarios in Dystopian Wars. Either have them as NPC vessels that you need to protect or destroy or up-gun them and include them in your force. You might have seen John tinkering with ships like these in his latest series where he is showing off how to build and paint the Titanic Sisters.

Dystopian Wars - Building & Painting The Titanic Sisters | Part 1

This set comes with two Titan Passenger Conveyors (may also be built for Freight or Oil and also as Olympia Class) alongside two Merchant Ships, two Escorts, two Small Ship Tokens, two Cargo Tokens and two Ground Assault Detachment Tokens. A superb collection of miniatures for those looking to build interesting scenarios in games of Dystopian Wars.

Last but not least, we have the Sultanate Aerial Squadrons which folks will have spied in different boxes over the last few months. Now they are available for you to scoop up and use as reinforcements in your games.

Sultanate Aerial Squadrons - Dystopian Wars

Sultanate Aerial Squadrons // Dystopian Wars

The set comes with two Nasr Skyships (may also be built as Awsbiri or Muharib Class), two Hirka Skycutters, two Alsaqr Skybarques and two SRS Tokens. Use these to bolster your Sultanate forces and help dominate the skies with more impressive-looking ships. I do appreciate seeing the finished studio-painted versions of these miniatures popping up now as well! They look gorgeous.

Are you going to be scooping up some of these new releases in March?

Disclosure: OnTableTop and its companies are part of the group of companies owned and operated by Wayland Games Ltd since 12/10/2020

"The Destiny itself is a pretty fabulous miniature which does look the part of a "sky fortress"..."

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