Final Fantasy TCG Opus Series Gets Anniversary Collectors Box 2022

October 12, 2021 by fcostin

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It has been five years since the release of the Final Fantasy Opus series in 2016 from Square Enix, and now there is a new cohort of cards on the way for early 2022.

FFOPUS - Image One

Final Fantasy Opus Anniversary Collection Set 2022 // Square Enix

The Anniversary Set is the perfect starting point for anybody who is familiar with the Final Fantasy universe. With the plethora of cards available in the box, players will have access to a first time chance of 253 cards in one place.

FFX Card Sample FFXIII Card Sample

Card Artwork Samples //  Final Fantasy Opus Anniversary Collection Set 2022

Across the card spread, players will get access to a 50-card-deck ready to play straight out of the box, 200 cards that feature from Opus I to XII booster packs - containing some very special cards which were quite hard to get hold of, and three new anniversary promo cards - the first time the game system has seen this particular type.

If you are not new to the game and have been a follower for the past five years and do not need an incentive to get started, not only does the box contain three exclusive anniversary cards, but the 200 booster cards have been confirmed as a wide range - meaning lots of cards contained which are hard to get your hands on! Additionally, the 12 different L rarity cards may twist your arm if you are a collector looking to fill some gaps from past releases.

If you are looking to get started or continue collecting, the box is now on pre-order on the Square Enix Store for $59.99 ready for release in early 2022.

Have you ever played the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game? 

"The Anniversary Set is the perfect starting point for anybody who is familiar with the Final Fantasy TCG universe..."

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