Harlequin Rose Joins The Birchwood Range By Lucid Eye

July 21, 2022 by brennon

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Lucid Eye has been showing off a brand new miniature for their The Beast Of Birchwood collection. This is a range which is a little bit weird and features some rather quirky 28mm miniatures. This can certainly be said of the new Harlequin Rose.

Harlequin Rose - Lucid Eye

Harlequin Rose // Lucid Eye

Harlequin Rose is another of their metal miniatures that could be used for some of the more esoteric and quirky wargames out there. Whilst there could well be something "nice" about this particular character, I can only think that this person is a psychotic killer.

I would paint Rose up in white and cream with a splash of colour around the hat and ruff. To take things to the next level, I reckon I would then splatter the miniature with blood and have some dripping from the weapon held above their head. I think that would look particularly awesome.

A Pig Faced Orc Sale

As well as the new miniature for Harlequin Rose, we also have the Pig Faced Orcs which are now getting bundled together for a sale.

Pig Faced Orcs Bundle - Lucid Eye

Pig Faced Orcs Bundle // Lucid Eye

Packs one and two can be joined together with the Chieftain for a little bit of money off up until 22nd July. So, you still have time to pick up these miniatures and use them in your dungeon delving affairs. They are very cool and would be a great alternative to your traditional Orcs.

Are you going to be snapping up these miniatures for your games?

"I reckon I would then splatter the miniature with blood and have some dripping from the weapon held above their head..."

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