RuneWars Gets Heavy Hitting Runic Golems & Carrion Lancers

July 17, 2017 by dracs

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Fantasy Flight Games have released two new heavy hitting unit expansions for the humans and undead in RuneWars. First off, the humans can now call upon the mighty power of the Runic Golems.

Stone Sentries

The Runic Golems are stone sentries, slumbering beneath the ruins of the world. When given life by a sorcerer, they are filled with elemental energy, ready to smash aside any foe. Meanwhile, the undead iare fighting back with their Carrion Lancers.

Carrion Lancers

With these models, the Lancers are only one thing you have to worry about. Those hideous worms spew venom at their enemies, before devouring everything before them.

Which of these monstrous additions do you like best?

"Filled with elemental energy, ready to smash aside any foe..."

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