The Latari Elves Get Heroic Reinforcements For RuneWars

April 29, 2017 by brennon

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If you're interested in expanding upon your RuneWars army and the Latari Elves this year then you might want to look towards this new hero, Lady Maegan Cyndewin and the Infantry Command Set by Fantasy Flight Games.

Lady Maegan Cyndewin

Mounted atop her sturdy steed here she looks like she'll be able to take a commanding spot on the battlefield, moving to where she is needed. You will get both a mounted and unmounted version of her in the set too.

She has added bonuses to both attack and defence and is able to draw upon the power of the runes to aid her too. She is also able to imbue her units with magical power, allowing them to get their hands on artefacts and upgrade to aid them in battle.

Infantry Commanders

As well as her you will be able to snap up the set which comes with a Champion, Standard, Musician and Storm Sorceress to help boost the fighting potential of your units.

Latari Elves Infantry Command

I really like these smaller expansion packs which come with a number of different upgrades. Mixing in the Sorceress also adds that next level of magic into proceedings.

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"She is also able to imbue her units with magical power, allowing them to get their hands on artefacts and upgrade to aid them in battle..."

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