More Micro Machines Join The Legions Imperialis Collection

March 25, 2024 by brennon

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An interesting mix of new machines, walkers and vehicles join the Legions Imperialis collection this weekend as pre-orders from Games Workshop go live for more of their 8mm epic-scale wargame set during The Horus Heresy.

Medusa And Basilisk Batteries - Legions Imperialis

Medusa And Basilisk Batteries // Legions Imperialis

Shop Warhammer: The Horus Heresy - Legions Imperialis @ Store.OnTableTop

We start with a set which is pretty useful for those wanting to reduce enemy fortifications to rubble. You get a mix of two different vehicles in this set, allowing you to make either the Medusa or the Basilisk for use in your games. Even if you don't blow up your foe's defences, you'll have them shaken and ducking for cover when the shots come flying in.

For those looking to get closer to combat without getting picked off by the enemy, you can get your hands on the Land Raider Proteus Explorator Squadron set.

Land Raider Proteus Explorator Squadron - Legions Imperialis

Land Raider Proteus Explorator Squadron // Legions Imperialis

These are the heavily armoured workhorses of the Legions Astartes. Use these to dunk your troops at the front line and then support them with the use of twin-linked lascannons. The set comes with six miniatures in the box.

If you'd prefer to strike from the air then you also have these Legiones Astartes Drop Pods that you can call on.

drop pods legions astartest

Legiones Astartes Drop Pods // Legions Imperialis

This provides you with the iconic transport option that will be familiar amongst Space Marine collectors. The set comes with four Drop Pods that feature hinged doors that can be built as either standard Legion Drop Pods or Deathstorm Drop Pods which are packed with missile launchers.

Another transport option is also on the way for those playing as the Solar Auxilia.

Solar Auxilia Arvus Lighter - Legions Imperialis

Solar Auxilia Arvus Lighter // Legions Imperialis

The Arvus Lighter, also known as the "little pig" is great for making sure that your Lasrifle Section makes it from one side of the battlefield to the other. When the objectives you need to secure could be all over the place, it's good to have these mobile units nearby so you can shuttle soldiers back and forth.

Walking Firepower

Last but not least, we have some towering walkers for you to throw into your Loyalist and Traitor armies. Firstly, there are the Warhound Titans.

Warhound Titans With Ursus Claws And Melta Lances - Legions Imperialis

Warhound Titans With Ursus Claws And Melta Lances // Legions Imperialis

Ranging ahead of the larger Titans in your force, these Warhound Titans come armed with the Ursus Claws and Melta Lances. There are two new frames of weapons with the set allowing you to arm them with Ursus Claws, Natrix Shock Lances, Vlkite Eradicators, Missile Pods or the Incisor-pattern Melta Lance. An iconic walker from the grimdark future with brand new weapons to play with. The set comes with cards and accessories for use in Adeptus Titanicus too.

Maybe you'd also like to call on the aid of these Dire Wolves?

Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titans - Legions Imperialis

Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titans // Legions Imperialis

Clad in heavier armour, these Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titans come armed with Ardex Mega-Bolters and then the choice of a Volcano Cannon, Conversion Beam Dissipator or Neutron Laser. A solid way of making sure the enemy Titans don't get close to your lines. As with the set above, this also comes with cards for use in Adeptus Titanicus.

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