Three Monstrous Expansions Join The Lotus Swarm of Runewars

July 19, 2017 by dracs

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The swarm of the Uthuk Y'llan grows as three Ynfernael expansions swell their ranks in RuneWars. First, we have the Flesh Rippers.

Flesh Rippers

The Flesh Rippers act as hunting hounds, shock troops, and scouts for the Uthuk, making them a versatile and dangerous foe.

Following them come the Berserkers.


The Berserkers do exactly what it say on the tin. They form the back bone of the Uthuk forces and have been shaped into fierce fighters by the rigours of their home.

Finally, we have the Spined Threshers.

Spined Threshers

The Spined Threshers are heavy hitters, capable of tanking a knight's charge and tearing down defensive walls. The only problem is the cost of sacrifices to summon them, but that's not such a problem when you're at war.

Which of the Uthuk's new releases will you add to your force?

"[Sacrifices are] not such a problem when you're at war..."

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