Roll Out New Droid & Clone Support Vehicles For Star War: Legion

August 25, 2021 by brennon

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Atomic Mass Games are focusing on a few new releases for Star Wars: Legion to bolster the forces of the Separatists and Republic during The Clone Wars.

NR-N99 Persuader-Class Tank Droid - Star Wars Legion

NR-N99 Persuader-Class Tank Droid // Star Wars: Legion

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The first of the vehicles we're going to be looking at is the NR-N99 Persuader-Class Tank Droid. This is a rather impressive-looking vehicle that is best suited for negotiating with the enemy with the use of violence. The folks at Atomic Mass Games has really been building on the mechanised element of The Clone Wars. There are a lot of vehicles for you to throw into the mix now.

NR-N99 Persuader-Class Tank Droid Miniature - Star Wars Legion

NR-N99 Persuader-Class Tank Droid Miniature // Star Wars: Legion

One of the neat things about this particular vehicle is that it comes with space on the side for you to include Droid Tank Riders! You can set up your Battle Droids on those tracks so that they can leap off into the fighting when needed.

NR-N99 Persuader-Class Tank Droid Tank Rider - Star Wars Legion

NR-N99 Persuader-Class Tank Droid Tank Rider // Star Wars: Legion

This is a fun little addition that adds a bit more character to the piece. Despite how silly regular Battle Droids end up being, they do have a great look to them. So, including them alongside the Persuader-Class Tank Droid means I get to paint more of them!

Republic Support Vehicles

As well as the new Tank Droid for the Separatists we also have a new support vehicle to add to your Republic force.

Infantry Support Platform - Star Wars Legion

Infantry Support Platform // Star Wars: Legion

This Infantry Support Platform is designed to give your Clone Troopers cover as they charge off into the maelstrom of battle. You can switch up the different weapons on the front of it to match the kind of support you need to deliver.

Infantry Support Platform Miniature - Star Wars Legion

Infantry Support Platform Miniature // Star Wars: Legion

Additionally, the pilots of this particular Support Platform can be given Scout Helmets or their more traditional Clone Trooper helmets. This means you can paint this up as a patrol vehicle, winding its way through a lush jungle setting, or drop it right into the midst of a full-on battle.

Infantry Support Platform Miniature Pilot Options - Star Wars Legion

Infantry Support Platform Miniature Pilot Options // Star Wars: Legion

There are plenty of fun releases on the way for Star Wars: Legion it seems. Whilst Armada might be lacking in updates, X-Wing and Legion seem to be very much at the forefront of Atomic Mass Games' mind. I don't know about you but I'm still waiting to see what they are going to do with other miniatures games in the same universe!

What do you make of these new vehicles?

"I don't know about you but I'm still waiting to see what they are going to do with other miniatures games in the same universe!"

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