New Minis! Visit The Streets Of Dunkeldorf On Kickstarter Soon

July 28, 2022 by brennon

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King Games have announced that they are going to be coming to Kickstarter soon with their newest Dunkeldorf Miniatures campaign. You will be able to visit The Streets of Dunkeldorf soon!

The Streets Of Dunkeldorf - Dunkeldorf Miniatures

The Streets Of Dunkeldorf // Dunkeldorf Miniatures

The newest campaign is going to focus on the different kinds of characters you'd meet on the streets of Dunkeldorf. Three of them have been shown off in concept art form and another has even got a miniature with Max The Florist (above - painted by Nana Kronmark).

The Streets Of Dunkeldorf Concept Art - Dunkeldorf Miniatures

The Streets Of Dunkeldorf Concept Art // Dunkeldorf Miniatures

As well as Max The Florist, there is also Bjorn The Northener and Gisela The Poet. These concept pieces come from the talented hand of Christian Schwager and show off even more awesome characters for use in your grimdark Fantasy roleplaying games and beyond. I really like that it's "grimdark" but with a little bit of a twist so there's a bit of colour in with the "Old World" aesthetic.

As always, there will be plenty more where these characters came from thanks to Sonny Bundgaard's sculpting. Each of them will even come with their own backstory for dropping them into your campaigns if you like.

You can also check out the very extensive range of Dunkeldorf Miniatures over on the King Games webstore if you like the look of these upcoming miniatures.

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"The newest campaign is going to focus on the different kinds of characters you'd meet on the streets of Dunkeldorf..."

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