Oathsworn Sculpting Up Red Kite For Burrows & Badgers

April 23, 2019 by brennon

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Oathsworn Miniatures' Michael Lovejoy is working away on some more new models for Burrows & Badgers. His eyes are set on two massive models needed to help complete the list of creatures from the rulebook. The first on the block is the Red Kite.

Red Kite WiP #1 - Oathsworn Miniatures

Here you can see the work going into this massive model so far. It will have an impressive wingspan, shown swooping in on some poor hapless creature that might have dared strayed into the open.

A lot of work has already gone into the pose, thinking about how to balance such a big model and make it look dynamic. I really like the idea so far and I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of hand weapons the Red Kite gets armed with!

As well as the Red Kite there's also the Hound coming soon too. Both models will then be forming the basis of a new Kickstarter looking to bring fifteen new miniatures to the tabletop. I am already reserving money...

What big bigs of prey would you like to see Oathsworn work on for Burrows & Badgers?

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"What big bigs of prey would you like to see Oathsworn work on for Burrows & Badgers?"

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