Oathsworn Preview More Upcoming Burrows & Badgers Warriors

August 25, 2020 by brennon

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Oathsworn Miniatures showed off a few new previews for Burrows & Badgers and their upcoming (fingers crossed!) Kickstarter campaign later in the Autumn. In this sneak peek we got a look at how four heads got turned into full characters!

Burrows & Badgers WiP - Oathsworn Miniatures

Burrows & Badgers WiP // Oathsworn Miniatures

In this image, you can see a new Frog hunter who looks like they would be quite at home in the swamps of the wilderland. The Frogs and Toads we've seen so far for Burrows & Badgers are always packed with character and I like the more tribal aesthetic that they've gone for so it's good to see another character done to match that!

You've also got a very fiery and feisty looking Hedgehog who is no doubt on the lookout for witches and hedge wizards that deserve to be put on the pyre!

Looking to the bottom row we've then got two more traditionally martial individuals. The Fox knight on the left is very cool indeed and it's neat to see one of these bigger creatures absolutely covered in heavy armour and carrying a seriously hefty weapon.

Then we have the very crotchety looking Rabbit guard who seems almost fed up with their job of watching the walls and keeping an eye out for marauders. I love how grumpy he seems and I think I'd paint him up to have a fair bit of grey running through his fur.

Are you going to be keeping an eye on what Oathsworn Miniatures do next?

"You've also got the very crotchety looking Rabbit guard who seems almost fed up with their job of watching the walls..."

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