Oathsworn Drop Update On Next Burrows & Badgers Kickstarter

October 7, 2020 by brennon

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Oathsworn Miniatures has updated us on what's happening with their next Kickstarter for Burrows & Badgers. Whilst we'd hoped that it would be hitting towards the end of October it seems like we're going to have to wait until 2021 for our next anthropomorphic miniatures fix.

The Dark The Devout & The Heroic - Burrows & Badgers

The Dark, The Devout & The Heroic // Burrows & Badgers

The collection is (as you can see above) more or less complete but because of Brexit, they have decided to postpone the Kickstarter until early January in 2021. Here is what Michael from Oathsworn Miniatures had to say...

"The bad news is that we won't be launching it (the Kickstarter). In fact, we're currently thinking it'll be early in January instead. This is because of the whole Brexit thing. If we launch before the end of the year, then EU backers would have VAT included in their pledge price as normal, but if the pledges were sent out after the end of the year, it seems they'd also pay VAT again at delivery.

It doesn't seem fair to do that. So, it's best if we wait until after the year-end. We'd hoped that delivery before the end of the year would be possible, but 2020 being what it is, that's not an option, unfortunately.

The good news is that the master moulding and casting process are currently underway, and production moulding should be happening in November, with casting over the following weeks. So when we do launch the Kickstarter, delivery should happen pretty quickly!"

So, some sad news but it does mean that we've got a lot to look forward to in January as Burrows & Badgers players. As we've seen in previous updates, the focus of this campaign is going to be on a lot of interesting characters out for blood as they hunt down necromancers and witches. Plus, we're also going to be seeing some hefty miniatures popping up too.

It's worth having a peek at the preview image above which popped up yesterday as it features a vast array of different creatures which I am eager to paint! I am particularly tempted by the mass of Mist-Ghast figures they have in the mix which would be good for making a themed warband.

Are you going to be getting your funds together for this?

"I am particularly tempted by the mass of Mist-Ghast figures they have in the mix..."

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